Verdict for unity in diversity

Shiban  Khaibri

Attempting a column on a topic other than the one in the caption would have been of more interest and decidedly not as much trying in the sense that the country continues to be mired in most of the unproductive issues even after partition, thanks to the type of politics adopted and practiced by many political leaders in the country. While the civilized world is marching ahead facing and resolving issues of national importance, the ones beneficial to the people, we, on the other hand, continue to be swayed by petty issues of unproductive and totally avoidable nature. Political thinkers all over the world would do a lasting service to the cause of mankind, at least in this part of the world, to find out some alternative for this “Vote” as for obtaining it , nowhere in the world, are employed all the tricks  from the book  but to sustain, water and maintain the crops of votes, ethics and propriety are becoming casualties.  Going to any extent is the golden rule employed by most of the politicians post independence period, of course, with certain exceptions. To make the moot point clearer, kindly recall last year’s judgment by the Hon’ble High Court in Kolkata, which was no less than a reprimand to the Mamta Banerjee Government over the right of the devotees of Goddess Durga in respect of immersion rites. Observed the learned Court, “..indulging in minority appeasement ….being partial to one community ….pampering and appeasing the minority section of the public at the cost of the majority section….” It had also said , ” It would be dangerous to mix politics with religion and intolerance would rise in the event of such an arbitrary decision  of the Government.”
These observations forming the crux of the judgment of the learned court should have been treated as the language and the voice of law of the land and precedence to follow in letter and spirit for years to come but this year again, Mamta Ji put uncalled for restrictions on the Hindu festival on the plea of Muharram falling on the same day, Sept30. It is a travesty that in this country, the majority section of the state of West Bengal has to approach the courts for allowing exercising their religious rights which the constitution otherwise is guaranteeing to every citizen of this country.
This year also, on the contrary, Mamta  Ji not only restricted  Durga Pooja  rites on Sept 29, but completely banned it on Sept 30 on account of Muharram. The aggrieved community had again to approach the High Court which cancelled the order of the Mamta Government, saying, “You are exercising extreme power without any basis, just because you are the state, can you pass arbitrary order ?” The Honb’le Court said that the state administration cannot interfere with the faith of the people and should treat them with equality .It further said, ” People have the right to practice their religious activities , whichever community they may be of , and the state cannot put restrictions….” The Hon’ble Chief Justice said further, ” If you say there is complete harmony , are you not creating a line of division between the two communities  by your actions?”
Reacting to the court’s reprimand, a defiant Mamta Banerjee said, “Slit my throat but no one can tell me what to do, I will do what I can, to maintain peace.” At the time of writing of these lines, reports are that Mamta Banerjee may prefer an appeal against Kolkata High Court order in the Supreme Court.
The compulsions of the appeasement pursued by Mamta Banerjee with intent to have the entire 27% Muslim vote in Bengal earmarked for her are the apprehensions, on account of such deliberate discrimination meted out to Hindus there, of a formidable dent in their votes as they are bound to react against continued discrimination even to the extent of infringement of their fundamental rights. To appease Muslims, she can go to the extent of soliciting the stay and state care of her Government to Rohingya Muslims whom to deny any accommodation to stay put in any part of India, even temporarily, is fraught with dangerous consequences for our national security, demographic equations and an undue and uncalled for pressure on scarce resources of the country.
Never has West Bengal seen, even during three decades Left Government, such a massive consolidation of Muslim leadership purely on religious factor as on the sensitive issue of Rohingyas.  Processions and addressing massive gatherings by fanatic clerics have become order of the day as watched by the people on TV screens. Now open threats are given to the patriotic sections and the Central Government by such clerics as they enjoy full state patronage. A recent such gathering was addressed by one Maulana Shabir Warsi who openly threatened killing in lacs if even a single Rohingya Muslim was deported. He warned the Central Government of a “massive march to Delhi to create history” in case any Rohingya was deported from Kolkata. He told the gathering that Bengal was neither Gujarat, nor Assam nor Muzaffarnagar and vouched for an emotional attachment with Rohingy “as they were Muslims” and shared everything under the sky “with fellow Muslims”. There were many other clerics who too spewed venom and provocative threatening against those opposing Rohingyas settlement in India but Warsi was at his worst. Most parts of his provocative hate speech cannot be mentioned in these lines for obvious reasons but the fact remains that unprecedented pampering and appeasement are bound to create such problems which could prove very harmful for peace, tranquility and integrity of the country.
One of the pleas to be taken by the State Government while submitting a petition before the apex court against the Kolkata High Court judgment reportedly is that taking such decisions were the constitutional rights bestowed upon the State Government. With the same argument, Mamta could be asked as to how she defies the Central Government’s constitutional right to take (executive) decision in the interests of the country to deny any official rehabilitation plans of those who do not belong to our country (Rohingyas) , not even in the least, and how come she opposes their  deportation . Not resting at that only, how come she reportedly issues birth certificates to their children?  Who engineered Kalia Chak,  Malda,  Bashir Hath and other   riots in  West Bengal and how members of Mamta Ji’s vote Bank members were seen running riot and how many were made to undergo the rigors of the law, remains to be seen.
However, the judgment of the Kolkata High Court is a verdict in favour of the cherished traditions of India  _ unity in diversity. We all must proudly respect it and appeasers must know that the people wield despotic like supreme authority in democracy which they exhibited in West Bengal by overthrowing a dispensation of Communists which had its roots deep in farthest of corners of the state and was considered virtually invincible.We have to inculcate deep the well established traditions of celebrating festivals of different communities falling on the same day. If not very apparently, communities, otherwise, help one another in such celebrations and exchange greetings and visit one another. Why for cheap vote bank politics, a wedge should be drawn which could necessarily be exploited by vested fanatic elements, Mamta Ji must introspect and act suitably. We have other priorities to look into .