Verdict respected

This has reference to Mr. Narinder Singh’s rdict Disrespected.” With all appreciation for the views of Mr. Narinder Singh, I would like to make it manifest upon him and the general public of the state as well that it is the intelligent public of the state in fact that has propelled our politicians into the abyss of a great confusion by displaying a fractured mandate during recent Assembly Elections. This time the public did to the politicians what the politicians had been doing to them down the decades. No party has touched upon the vestige of the sufficient confidence to form the Government and the voters proved much intelligent by making all these parties inter-dependant for the formation of the Government in the State.
Diametrically opposed political ideologies are working for solution in the state in spite of having nothing common among them at all. PDD-the apostle of Self Rule; NC-the drum beater of Autonomy; BJP-the harbinger of progress and prosperity and the Congress- the pioneer of scams and scandals, are trying hard to support one another for no other reason than to respect the verdict of the people. Keeping aside NC and Congress-the rejected faces of the state, the BJP and the PDP too could not achieve what they had bragged of during pre-election times. Neither PDP could win the hearts of Kashmiris totally nor could BJP fulfill its 44+ mission. Even then the BJP, not PDP, deserves all acclamation for doing wonderful in the state. Now, both the parties, despite being two poles asunder, have succeeded to the great extent in deciding between themselves to form a successful Government and can be hoped to give good governance to this administratively and politically starved state in future.
The Brass Tacks almost stand decided fully and finally between them and it is hoped that the efforts will give good results in a very short time to come. The issues like Article 370, Uniform Civil Code, the AFSPA, the point of CMship and so many other hurdles which were natural to slow the process of Government formation stand resolved quite amicably now. Hence nowhere the People’s Verdict looks to have been disrespected. It is rather being honoured and that is why despite a great ideological void, the two antagonistic parties have come forward to put the state on the track of political stability.
Mr Narinder  and we all should be hats off to the intentions of PDP and the BJP for their sincere efforts. Otherwise too it is democratic country, hiccups are always there and the ebb and flow in peoples temperament can not be ruled. If we applaud BJP today for its success, we should remember their 2 seats in 1984 also and if we detest the congress for its failure today, we should not forget their 484 in 1984. Siasat ik Gorakh Dhandha hai Narinder Singh Ji, kab ye apna rukh badley kaun janta hai.
Yours etc…..
Prof Javed Mughal
HoD (English)
Govt PG College Rajouri