Verification hoodwinked

Planning and Development is an important department of the administration with the responsibility of devising projects, executing these and bringing them to completion within the specified period of time. This is an elaborate system of carrying the State to the targets of achievement. Vast funds are allocated for infrastructural projects. This is a huge task and cannot be executed in fits and starts. Obviously, there has to be a mechanism to supervise, evaluate, instruct and assess the progress in the execution of the projects. In technical language it is called monitoring.  It has to be on regular basis and not on yearly or six monthly basis. Very often our projects do not keep the time schedule for various reasons and then delayed projects entail extra expenditures which in itself become an issue. Many projects have been left half way for the reason that additional grants for its completion are not available. Physical verification and monitoring is an essential component of Planning and Development. Authorities must know the exact level of progress achieved in a given project. The teams deputed to make the monitoring and submit their reports have carried out the assignment in some cases but in other cases verification reports on a large number of projects has not been submitted so far. This is an unhealthy practice and creates difficulties in overall planning. The Chief Secretary has the duty of ensuring that proper physical monitoring of the ongoing projects is done and report is submitted to the authorities. We are told that many projects in crucial areas like roads, health, education etc. have not been subjected to physical verification till date. We cannot afford to delay the development and progress of the state just because some Government functionaries are neglecting their duty.