‘Very good chance’ for US-China trade deal ‘sometime’: Trump

TOKYO, May 27: President Donald Trump said Monday there was a “very good” chance of clinching a trade deal with China as the world’s top two economies clash over their trade relationship.

“I think sometime in the future, China and the US will have a great trade deal and we look forward to that,” Trump said after talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. (AGENCIES)

‘Very smart’ Kim knows N Korea must give up nukes: Trump

TOKYO, May 27:
US President Donald Trump on Monday praised North Korean leader as a “very smart” man who is aware that he has to give up nuclear weapons to develop his country.

“He knows that with nuclear… only bad can happen. He is a very smart man, he gets it well,” said Trump, who repeated that North Korea has “tremendous economic potential”. (AGENCIES)