VHP, NPP, others condemn beef party; demand arrest of Rashid

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 8: Various organizations have strongly condemned the hosting of beef Party by independent MLA Engineer Rashid at MLAs hostel Srinagar yesterday and accused him crating communal disturbances in the State.
VHP Patron Dr. Ramakant Dubey has expressed his deepest anguish over the exhibition of Beef Party hosted by Engineer Rashid.
Talking to reporters here, today he said this party was nothing less than arousing the religious sentiments of Hindus. M.L.A Hostel being a Government run institution housing representatives belonging to different communities should not have agreed to the orders of Mr. Rashid for such provocative action. He has actually tried to disturb the communal harmony in the State, VHP leader added.
He said it is not out of place to mention here that Supreme Court of the country has already issued directions to Jammu & Kashmir High Court that its Chief Justice to constitute a three members bench to decide about the existing ban on cow slaughter in the State. It has also been directed that till the verdict of the High Court the sale i.e., cooking of beef in the State may not be allowed, he added.
Dr Dubey said in J&K ban of cow slaughter is already there as per the enactment of law under “Ranbir Penal Code” which holds good even today. In a way it is direct violation of law with disobedience of Supreme Court’s directions. For the last century or so no infringement was made against the “Ranbir Penal Code” then what was the necessity to make hue & cry at this stage, he added.
He said Speaker has rightly taken adequate action against Manager & Assistant Manager of M.L.A. Hostel Srinagar but the actual culprit Mr. Rashid is running scoot free.
Dr. Dubey appealed the Government/ political parties/ representatives to desist from such actions so that sentiments of any person/community are not hit.
Surinder Mohan Aggarwal President Baba Amarnath & Budha Amarnath Yatri Niyas, Sudershan Khajuria (VHP Prant Vishesh Sampark Pramukh), G.D. Pandey, Sukh Ram Sharma was also present in the press conference.
While condemning the State Government for facilitating MLA Engineer Rashid to organize beef party in MLA Hostel Srinagar and to deliver highly provocative speeches during the said party, Chairman of JKNPP Harshdev Singh has sought registration of criminal cases against the offender and his immediate arrest for the most heinous offences openly committed by him in a Government institution.
In a press statement Mr Singh,  a former Minister regretted that despite an offence of grave and heinous nature having been committed in full public view, in the Government premises and having been covered in the media also, the BJP-PDP coalition has failed to take due cognizance and remained a mute spectator. He said that BJP MLAs who were supposed to rake up the issue in the Assembly for arrest and eventual disqualification of Engineer Rashid as MLA, merely remained content by indulging in confused fracas thus allowing the culprit to go scot free. He said that the brawl between the BJP MLAs and Engineer Rashid was a mere drama enacted to befool the gullible masses of Jammu.
Former MLA and president JKNPP Balwant Singh Mankotia while condemning the slaughtering of cows said it is a criminal offence and those responsible be dealt under law. While taking a strong exception to beef party hosted by MLA Rashid in MLAs Hostel Srinagar yesterday, he said the Government can’t absolve itself from its abetment.
He said BJP is equally partner of the Government in the State and is guilty for the offence.
Mankotia said that Government is also guilty to spread communal hatred, create chaos, anarchy and lawlessness hence it be dismissed.
Later the Party took a protest march in various bazars of Udhampur against the beef party in Srinagar and sacrilegious acts in Chenani. The protest  was led by Mr Mankotia. The protestors were demanding registering of FIR against Er. Rashid under Section 295-A and 153 A of RPC.
The members of Hindu Shiv Sena led by its president Krishan Manhas held a protest demonstration at B C Road against Er Abdul Rashid for hosting beef party in Srtinagar yesterday.
Manhas strongly condemned the action of MLA and the participants in the protest said that MLA deliberately tried to hurt the sentiments of Hindus.
Lambasting independent lawmaker from Langate, Er Rashid for openly hosting the beef party in Srinagar. Rajiv Mahajan president of Shri Ram Sena and Hindu Coordination Committee, spokesperson  demanded immediate arrest of Engineer Rashid.
Mahajan said the act of Er Rashid is intolerable for the Hindu community as it has hurt our sentiments. He warned that APHC will ghearo Rashid and other such people who are trying to create a communal disturbances in the State.