Vibodh interacts with party office bearers in Valley

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, July 1:  Member Legislative Council (MLC) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State vice president Vibodh Gupta visited the Party Head Office in Kashmir Valley where he interacted with the office bearers and workers of the Party. They informed him regarding various activities and future programmes of the Party across the Kashmir division.
The MLC was also informed regarding the ongoing party activities and the achievements registered in the last more than one year under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
During the discussion, Vibodh stressed regarding the need to reach out to the common people to sort-out  their day to day problems like roads, electricity, water etc, which are essential for everyone and should be addressed on priority, he added.
‘Coalition Government in J&K is committed to provide the basic amenities to the people of J&K’, he said and stressed that the need of the hour is to come forward and play a vital role as a true citizen of India to make J&K a progressive State.
Vibodh further said that BJP believes in development for all irrespective of their cast, creed and colour. He appreciated the role of Kashmiris in general and Cabinet Minister for Animal Husbandary, Sajad Gani Lone who came forward open heartedly to work with BJP and doing his best to serve the people of State.
He also appreciated the creation of Grievance and Monitoring Cell which is playing a vital role to address the grievances of the common masses across the region.
Later, Vibodh also met various delegations and assured them every possible help will be given to fulfill their demands.
Media Incharge Kashmir BJP Altaf Thakur was also present on the occasion