Video on life of Param Vir Chakra awardee Subedar Joginder Singh released on his birthday

NEW DELHI, Sept 26:
A video on the life of war hero and Param Vir Chakra awardee Subedar Joginder Singh was released on Tuesday — on the occasion of his birthday. Produced by Seven Colors Entertainment, the makers of the biopic on the life of Subedar Joginder Singh, the video charts the journey of the war hero.
Ninety six years ago on this day, the Param Veer Chakra awardee was born in a small village of Moga. Subedar Singh who got commissioned into Sikh Regiment of British Indian Army was sent to Burma soon after his training was completed.
On August 15, 1947 when India attained Independence from the British, his regiment was shifted to Indian Army where he was sent to tension struck area of North Western Frontier Provinces after Pakistani Tribals launched an attack on Kashmir to detach it from India, he along with his men fought with them and didn’t let those Tribals to take control over Kashmir.
But the real test of his exuberance and firmness was pushed to test in the India-China War of 1962. Being unacclimated to the terrain Subedar Singh and his few men got the marching orders to NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh), where they were the given the charge of Twin Peaks and IB Ridge in Bum La Axis of Tawang Sector.
This feature was crucial for Indians so as to strategically counter any objectionable activity by the larger neighbour China. He and his platoon took control of the feature where they were right in front of a humongous Chinese PLA (People’s Liberation Army).
Taking advantage of their numbers, the Chinese everyday launched psychological attack on their Indian counterparts, but due to sheer motivation and inspiration provided by Subedar, Indian soldiers remained undeterred. (PTI)
A frustrated Chinese finally launched full-fledged attack on India, later in the October 1962. Subedar Singh and his men in retaliation opened fire against the Chinese PLA and even though they were lesser in number, they crushed their two waves one after another.
Up to this moment, Indian soldiers were out of their ammunition, half of their men were already martyred and they even got orders to come back from their company Commander, but Subedar Singh and his few men, ignoring the orders, faced third wave of Chinese PLA with their bayonets.
Defeat was inevitable for Indians, but that didn’t shook their courage, even after losing all his men and taken into custody by Chinese he denied taking treatment by the enemy and finally achieved martyrdom on October 23, 1962.
For his unprecedented courage, he was awarded by country’s highest gallantry award Param Vir Chakra (posthumously). After this announcement, even Chinese realised the bravery of this man and returned his mortal remains to his family in India.
To mark respect to the extraordinary valor shown by him, a war biopic is being made by Seven Colors Entertainment which is scheduled to be released on April 6, 2018. (UNI)