Vijay Tendulkar’s ‘Baby’ staged

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 5: Vijay Tendulkar’s famous play in Hindi Baby was today staged by Sangam True Art Production (Regd), in collaboration with Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi, in association with J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Jammu, at Police Auditorium, Jammu.
Minister for Medical Education, Youth, Services and Sports, R.S Chib was the chief guest on the occasion where as the function was presided by Additional Secretary, JKAACL, Savita Bakshi.
Other dignitaries who graced the occasion by their cordial presence were Ranjeet Kalra, MY Kichloo, DK Singh Jamwal and Ashok Kumar Dubey.
The play was directed by well known director of the State Bhupinder Singh.
The plot of the play deals with the life of an innocent woman named Baby, a child-girl who works as an extra in the film industry. Having read a lot of novels, Baby is inspired by the characters in these novels. She too wants to live a happy life like the characters. Baby in reality is unhappy and sad as she faces hardships.
Her slumlord Shivappa is a cruel man who exploits Baby and his harsh treatment extends to her brother Raghav also.
Shivappa tries his best to send Raghav to mental asylum and his results bear fruit. But Raghav is eventually released from asylum after long time.
In the mean time she comes in contact with a person named Kurvey who lures her, on the name of making her a star in the Bollywood and also tries to exploit her but she takes him as the prince charming who is there to remove all her worries.
Baby deals with the mental and physical harassment of a woman who, along with her brother Raghav, is brave enough to face the world despite of all the hardships and difficulties.
Today’s presentation was a treat to the audience present in the auditorium as it was a combined team effort by the well known theatre actors of the State which included Tapeshwar Dutta, Vijay Goswami, Poonam Sudan, Aaditya Bhanu and Reetu Manhas.
Make up was done by Kamal Sharma. Music was designed by Surinder Manhas while lights were executed by Ankush Lakhnotra.
The show was tactfully coordinated by Ramesh Chandar and vote of thanks was delivered by RK Sehgal.