Violence on Campuses

Violence on JNU, Delhi, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, NIT Srinagar and now AMU Campus, Aligarh is a matter of very serious concern for one and all. We always talk of and even boast about the so called ‘progress’ of our country since independence. We also talk of very high percentage of literacy in our country. But when things come in practical shape, we see a very deep gulf in our ‘sayings’ and ‘doings’.
Our younger generation, who is the pillar and saviour of future India, do not see eye to eye with their country men especially during a cricket match or  while celebraing any National or religious functions. Then who say we are literate? Where lies our progress? The dream of a happy and glorious Bharat is yet to see the light of the day. I boldly admit that we have become more prejudiced, communal, narow minded in our thinking. Where is our education? Where have our hollow slogans ‘Hum Sab Bharati Hain’ gone. We have become anti social, anti national with our own region, mohalla or illaqa.
Need of the our is to rise above these  things and curb such dirty politics which is bound to disintegrate our country. Unity in diversity is only possible if we shun our narrow mindedness and embrace each other from our fine and clean hearts.
In true sense our outlook should become secular. May be one is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian or believer of any faith, we should keep our religious attachment within four  walls. But when we are confronted with people outside, we should become Indians-Indian first and Indian last.
Yours etc….
J S Awal