VIP culture

Kindly refer news item, “BJP MLC takes Scooty”, DE Jan 3, 2018. BJP MLC  Mr Ambardar drove to Assembly on a scooty there by sending  sending a clear message against VIP culture or traffic chaos in the city. By doing so, he has set an example to adopt austerity measures which, if adopted by other law makers, ministers, bureaucrats and others, will go a long way in saving unnecessary expenditure. Apart from that, the public in general will have a  positive feeling in their minds that the legislators, law makers and others of the ilk are also from them and it will give a practical shape to the  saying, “example is better than precept.” In view of the democratic setup in the present scenario, all should follow the golden principle of equality, irrespective  of status etc. Would not the rulers/kings of yore mingle with the masses in disguise to assess the conditions of the masses and then mitigate their problems. If they not feel disgraced, why should the law makers and legislators did feel below dignity to adopt austerity measures.
Yours etc…
Dwarika Nath Raina
Muthi, Jammu