Virender Gupta endorses demand of Hiranagar people

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 5: State BJP spokesperson, Prof Virender Gupta has strongly reacted to the situation created in village Rassana in Hiranagar tehsil of Kathua district.
In a statement issued here, today, he said that whosoever has killed the teenager girl of a particular community after committing rape needs to be strictly dealt and be punished as per the law. He further said that whosoever has committed this heinous crime irrespective of his religion, does not belong to any community instead is the enemy of the whole humanity and a particular community cannot be held responsible for the heinous act.
He expressed shock and anguish the way investigating agencies are conducting investigation which has led mass exodus in the area and leading the situation towards deterioration.
The atrocities committed by the law and order authorities on the villagers have compelled them to migrate. Those at the helm of affairs are required to take cognizance of this fact and should resolve the genuine grievances of the people residing in the village. If the law and order authorities continue to spread the reign of terror, this would result into serious repercussions, making the situation out of control.
He said that to satisfy the grievances of the residents of the village and to pacify the situation and avoid its flaring up Government should immediately order the CBI or judicial enquiry. This is the only way out to save the situation.
Meanwhile, Prof Gupta appealed the general public and leaders of the area not to get swayed by the emotional rhetoric of various agencies and must stand with justice without any prejudice to anyone or any community and let the real culprits be brought to book.
He also warned the authorities of any sort of communal overtones in handling the situation.
Prof Gupta, while giving a piece of advice to some ministers who gave irresponsible statements in a section of press, said that these ministers should not politicized the issue and desist from giving such type of statements. He said that any democratic institution has to respect the sentiments of the general public and in this case ordering CBI enquiry will not make sky to fall on the ground.