Vishwakarma Day celebrated across Jammu

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 14: Vishwakarma Day was celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety all over Jammu region today. In this connection a grand function was organised at Vishwakarma Temple New Plot here. Artisans and general public from local area visited the temple to participate in the celebrations.
Earlier in the morning a Havan & Bhajan Kirtan was organized in the specially decorated temple complex. Community langer was also arranged later in the afternoon.
The leaders of Pradesh Vishwakarma Sabha (PVS) also attended the function and congratulated the followers of Lord Vishwakarma. Speaking on the occasion, RL Chargotra, Vice President Akhil Bhartiya Vishwakarma Mahasabha disclosed that Vishwakarma community has still to go a long way to achieve its goals and dignity in the society.
He said that Lord Vishwakarma is creator of this universe and demanded a gazette holiday on this Day as a large chunk of population celebrates the day in Jammu province.
RC Angotra (Ex Prez PVS) said that this day is being celebrated throughout the country and even abroad. He stressed on shedding the minor differences and urged the gathering to take a pledge to promote brotherhood and unity on this Day.
Vishwakarma Jayanti was celebrated with full religious fervour and enthusiasm at Hand Made paper Centre Gandhi Seva Sadan Baba Talab near here today. Rajinder Sharma incharge handmade center was the chief guest on the occasion.
The workers of the paper center as well as management of Gandhi Sewa Sadan paid obeisance to Lord Vishwakarma on the occasion. Ashok Dixit Senior Manger Gandhi Sewa Sadan, Raju Singh, Raju Sharma and Ramesh Lal were present on the occasion.
The day was also celebrated by Jammu Printers Club by organising a special pooja of Lord Vishwakarma at state guest house Muralia. On the occasion every printing unit worshiped their tools and machineries etc.
Adarsh Pal Gupta welcomed the members. He also highlighted the significance of the day. Later the members were offered the prashad and tea. This was followed by conducting of open house.
The Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) also celebrated the Vishwakarma Day at Kanjwani workshop of Ground Water Driling Division Jammu under the chairmanship of Shiv Kumar Sharma state president INTUC. On the occasion pooja was also performed.
Ashwani Sharma Chief Engineer, PHE was the chief guest. He highlighted the significance of the Day. Shiv Kumar Sharma said the Vishwakarma Day is matter of faith for those who work with tools and machines. He asked the gathering to take a solemn pledge to follow the path shown by Lord Vishwakarma.
Vishwakarma Day was also celebrated at a function organised by Shree Vishawkarma Sabha Udhampur today. On this occasion a hawan was organised by the Celebration Committee of the Sabha. After the puranahuti the devotees were served with prashad. A prayer meeting was held for the prosperity of the Vishwakarma community as well as state and nation as a whole.
MLA Udhampur Balwant Singh Mankotia was the chief guest and Pawan Gupta, vice president state BJP was the guest of honour. They also flagged off the Shoba Yatra. Later the community langer was served to the devotees. The Day was also celebrated at Border Village Nandpur.