Visiting Kashmir through images

Abdul Rashid Khan

The book ” Alluring Kashmir—The Inner Spirit” by Irfan Nabi & Nilosree Biswas, was launched in January 2017, in World Book Fair at Pragatimaidan –Delhi, by the well known Publishing Company–‘Niyogi Books’. This is actually a travel book authored by Irfan Nabi, a son of the soil, from Srinagar and Nilosree Biswas based in Bombay. The book contains 340 pages with number of photographs.

It has 4 major sections, giving details of i) locations and lands-capes, ii- Interweaving History and Architecture iii. The spiritual stream iv, Flowering of Kashmiri Art, Craft and culture. In chapter 1st  the authors have taken account of unfold stories of Srinagar city and famous tourist resorts. Visit to Doodpatheri is special treat for a traveler to enjoy its fascinating scenic beauty.
The person who reads this book can visit Kashmir through images, which have been beautifully taken by the author himself. In chapter 2nd one can find the brief history of ancient architecture of Awantipora Temple, Hari-parbat Fort, Mughal gardens, Sugandhesha Temple, Parihaspora, Tomb of Zain-ul-Abidin’s mother and mosque of Akhund -Mulla Shah. In the chapter of Spiritual stream, the shared history of Hazatbal shrine, Ziarat charar-e-sharif, Dastgeer sahib, Churces,Gurudwara Shri Chati Padshahi, Makhdoom sahib, Shah-Hamdan sahib, Sharika Devi Temple and other places of interest is mentioned. In the last Chapter, the authors have described the Kashmir valley as a magic land so far its art such as Carpet weaving, Copper work, Papier Machie, Shawl weaving, Walnut wood carving and Willow weaving is concerned. Famous Kashmiri food, language, dialect and music comprise the vital part of cultural section.
A reader gets mesmerized, while turning the pages of the book comprising of beautiful and heart throbbing pictures and photographs, clicked by none other than the author Irfan Nabi himself. They have conversed with the locals to  know their customs and history of the area                  they visited and recorded beautifully the impressions of the tourists they met and interacted at various places. Some tourists have admitted that they found solace and quite time by visiting the shrines like Shah-i-Hamdan. The interactions with  Izumi a tourist from Japan and Laura and Sundra shows the great admiration for the natural beauty and in the skill of the people which they have put in, by manufacturing various handicraft products. Izumi had purchased a Kashmiri silk carpet as wedding gift from his friend’s shop and had come to invite the family on his grand daughter’s marriage, shows his love for the people of the land. Visiting rose water shop owned by Abdul Aziz at Nawabbazar in old city which bore a antique look, has been a great experience for the authors.
It is a compilation of a narrative interweaving images and text in an attempt to take the reader on journey to Kashmir, portraying not only as a beautiful destination but also providing an engaging insight and understanding of the local culture, the people and the travellers to the valley.
The photographic details holds the readers breath and attention for some time. Though he has given background stories of only few of his favorite photographs but has mentioned that there are many behind scene moments of his number of photographs which have become an important part of this travel book.
Some of the photographs cover the panoramic view of the older part of Srinagar city, giving glimpses of the variation in the architectural styles which the city retains, enchants the traveller particularly from Europe and America. The photographs of the old shops in the down town city like rosewater, fruit/dry fruit, bakery and traditional grocery shops run by the third generation owners have given a heritage touch to these photo clicks.
The Signature street scene and coverage of floating gardens and of farmers navigating the vegetables in Shikaras, gives a birds eye view of trade activities in general market, Dal lake and its back waters in early morning, is fantastic and awesome. They have also unfolded secret  of a story of how Eric Biscoe, a great educationist and founder of legendary Tyndale Biscoe school was buried near Yusmarg as per his wish and carried out by his son. The book is a must read for one who plans to visit Kashmir and its surroundings. The book can be very useful for the persons dealing in trade with tourism sector and tour operators . The JK tourism department can have set of books available in all their offices and sub offices, in and outside state to allure the tourists to visit Kashmir and its inner spirit for the promotion of tourism in Kashmir.
(The reviewer is  former  IGP)