VLCC launches DNA based weight loss program

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 20: VLCC has unveiled a revolutionary new concept in the wellness domain with the introduction of DNA FIT – Asia’s first body shaping program tailored to the genetic make-up of individual customers.
DNA FIT marks a paradigm shift in the arena of weight management where conventional programs worldwide have so far focused on indicators such as BMI, BMR, BCA, and a Waist-to-Hip ratio. DNA FIT goes a step beyond by factoring in the impact of one’s unique DNA in the weight loss process, for prescribing the most effective diet and exercise regime.
Speaking at a press conference here to announce the new offering, VLCC vice-president, Monica Bahl said, “Each of us has a unique DNA make-up which determines our propensity to gain or lose weight. It is this difference in the genetic structure which explains why two individuals enrolling for the same slimming package sometimes obtain different results from it even if their body composition, lifestyles, and dietary habits are more or less similar. DNA FIT is a custom-fit solution and the answer for all those who have been seeking a scientific, individualized weight loss program that offers speedy, yet sustainable results.”
Studies have shown that a customized approach to weight loss which factors in a person’s genetic make-up provides the best results, she said, adding, a simple cheek swab at a VLCC center is all you need for VLCC’s team of nutritionists and fitness experts to work out with laser like precision the most appropriate diet and exercise regime to deliver the best solution for weight loss and make you DNA FIT.