Vomedh honours Ramesh Marhatha – forgotten survivor of terrorist attack

Senior radio broadcaster, Ramesh Marhatha being honored at a function at Jammu on Monday.
Senior radio broadcaster, Ramesh Marhatha being honored at a function at Jammu on Monday.

Pandita demands bravery award for him

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 26: Vomedh today organized a function to honour Ramesh Marhatha, a senior radio broadcaster and a forgotten survivor of a harrowing terrorist attack, at the Writers Club, Abhinav Theatre here.
Padmashri Dr. KN Pandita graced the occasion as the chief guest, accompanied by former Chief Secretary of J&K, Vijay Bakaya as the guest of honor, and Dr. Agnishekhar, a renowned literary figure and social activist, as the special guest.
A special trophy on behalf of Vomedh was presented by Dr KN Pandita and other dignitaries to Ramesh Martha for his bravery as a token of love and honour for surviving the brutal terror attack in 1990.
In a harrowing tale of survival, Ramesh Marhatha recounted his abduction by terrorists in 1990 from his residence in Srinagar.
Subjected to brutal torture and interrogation, Marhatha endured unimaginable agony as his captors pulled out his nails and questioned why he hadn’t fled Kashmir like other Kashmiri Pandits.
Recalling the traumatic ordeal, Marhatha identified Azam Inqilabi and Asia as among his captors, with the shocking realization that even an auto driver familiar to him was complicit in his abduction.
Taken to a remote nallah with the intention of execution after torture, Marhatha was mercilessly shot, sustaining grievous injuries to his stomach and legs.
Miraculously, he survived the ordeal and managed to escape, eventually finding refuge at a nearby Army Camp where he was rescued.
Despite the traumatic experience, Marhatha displayed extraordinary courage and continued his work at the Kathua Station, exemplifying professionalism and commitment.
Senior Journalist Avtar Bhat delivered a poignant presentation on Marhatha’s life journey, underscoring his resilience and contributions to the field of broadcasting despite the challenges he faced.
Speakers at the event which include Dr KN Pandita, Vijay Bakaya, Dr Agnishekhar, Prof Virender Rawal praised Marhatha’s indomitable spirit and hailed his perseverance in the face of such brutality.
Dr KN Pandita said that Ramesh Marhatha should have been conferred the award of a National Hero while Dr Agnishekhar called his ordeal as a part of genocide with the community.
Prof Rawal sought State Award for Marhatha while Dr Kshema Koul, renowned writer presented a book to him. Bindraban Sher presented a painting of Kalhan and copy of Neelmat Puran to him.
Rohit Bhat, president of Vomedh, read welcome address, while senior journalist King C Bharati and vice president, Bharati Kaul honoured Vijay Bakaya and Dr. Agnishekhar, respectively.
Bindiya Raina Tickoo compared the programme and King C Bharati presented vote of thanks.