Vomedh Rang Manch stages short Kashmiri plays

Lalit Gupta
JAMMU, Oct 26:
Contributing to the amateur theatre movement in Jammu, Vomedh Rang Manch presented two short plays in Kashmiri language, in the intimate setting at K L Saigal Hall here today.
Directed by Rohit Bhan and written by Arvin Tickoo, the first play titled ‘Waktik Sitam Daalan Kadam’—‘Keeping stride with Troubled Times’, revolved around two unemployed young Kashmiri Pandits who are desperately awaiting employment package. First the undue delay in addressing their issues and then their names not figuring in the published list, wreaks havoc on their moral, self belief and pride. So much so that in desperation they even think of cheating upon a gullible shopkeeper. But the realization such an lovely act would be contrary to the family and community ‘samaskars’, the youth resolve to carry on with the struggle. The cast of the play included Rohit Bhan, Arvin Tickoo, Priyanka Pandita and Rakesh Tickoo.
The second play written by Ravi Dhar and directed by Rohit Bhan, and titled Daye Sanz Dayegath’- ‘God’s Grace’, was a satirical take on how in modern times people remember God only in time of crises and when the times are good the very same people develop ego and forget the God and think they are the doers. The masterly performance of Jitendar Jyotshi and Daisy Bazaz and Ravi Dhar was the highlight of the play in which Rahul Kilm also acted.
Staged almost without props, both the plays were appreciated by the audience which included the chief guest of the program, Dr Sudhir Mahajan, Senior Drama Instructor, J&K Cultural Academy and guests of honour well known TV and theatre personalities, Kusum Dhar and Bihari Kak. Khushboo Saraf hosted the program.