Vote bank politics

Indeed, we all are indebted to the framers of our constitution, and moreso, for inclusion of freedom of speech, as a fundamental right. Though golden in nature, the right to speech, is often misused, treating it as a licence to speak anything regardless of considerations, to what extent it violates the spirit of the constitution. Unfortunately, the multi-party system we enjoy here, the party leaders, transgressing the norms of civility throw mud on each other. When the Prime Minister like a person isn’t left untouched with unbecoming words, speaking of others, is insignificant. It is tragically disappointing that some leaders don’t hesitate to poke their nose even in the matters of national importance. An opposition is necessary part of democracy, provided it is healthy and constructive. Simply, for coming into lime light or become a part of headlines, is an ostentatious way of politics. After all, we have federal system of governance. Disobedience to any lawful act framed by the Central Govt by any State, endangers our federal system. Any Govt, no matter of which party it is, must comply with the Central rules. Since the Parliament is a body of the representatives, elected by the citizens, its decisions must be palatable to them. Violence, arson, destroying public and private properties solely to thrust ones’ opinion, is totally undesired. National interests dedication and sacrifice should constitute a party’s agenda. Already, India suffers from communalism, casteism, regionalism, petty politics by numerous political parties creates serious concerns. Fissiparous tendencies and the politics which divides the community, creates disharmony in the society.
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)