Vote for changing your destiny: Anupam Kher

Mir Iqbal

Bollywood actor Anupam Kher addressing PRP rally in Srinagar on Monday.  -Excelsior/Amin War
Bollywood actor Anupam Kher addressing PRP rally in Srinagar on Monday. -Excelsior/Amin War

SRINAGAR, Nov 24:  Terming the power of vote as the game-changer to change the destiny of State, Kashmir born Bollywood actor, Anupam Kher today asked people to “vote for change” to change the destiny of State.
While addressing a newly floated- People’s Republican Party (PRP) rally here, Kher said that people of State are responsible for their destiny because the politicians have exploited them for their interests. He said the time has come for change in the part of the world. “You are responsible for your destiny and time has come for people to change their destiny,” he said.
Kher said: “Let me make it clear that the power to change the destiny of the State lies with the people of Jammu and Kashmir and not elsewhere.”
After praising Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government led by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi for the developmental works, Kher asked people to have a change for better future prospects in the State. “See the development of Gujarat and compare it with Kashmir. Nothing has improved here,” he said, adding, the streets, roads and other infrastructure has not seen any visible improvement.
The Bollywood actor said some people have exploited the general public and have only prospered their families, while taking “poor” people for granted. “Politicians here have failed to fulfill their promises in last 50-years,” he said, and asked people why to choose the same people again for next-six years.
While lambasting the local politicians for exploitation, Kher said: “I saw only politicians have changed here. Their children are studying in foreign universities, enjoying lavish life and poor people are only suffering here.”
Comparing Jammu and Kashmir with rest of Indian States, the Bollywood actor said all the cities across India changed drastically on the developmental front, but only Kashmir remained unchanged. “In Jammu and Kashmir only politicians changed, but people remain same, because of lack of developmental activities,” he said.
Kher said: “Let me make it clear that I don’t visit election rallies except for my wife, but today I visited my land and want to see change here for the betterment of people.”
Appealing people to take the election seriously, the Bollywood actor said that the elections are not five-year festivals, but the future destiny of people. “Elections will be new course for Jammu and Kashmir and it will rise after people practice their franchise effectively and sensible,” he said.
Comparing the Kashmiri youth with that of Bollywood actors, Kher said: “Our youth are smart than people in film industry. I want to start an Acting School here to nourish the talent of youth here for the film industry.”
In the meantime, noted Kashmiri Film Director Ashok Pandit said that corruption was at the peak in the Kashmir. “Kashmir needs a change, which is visible in the ground,” he said, adding, Kashmir was the land of saints, but why to encourage dirt in politics.
Earlier, the PRP workers said that the party’s main agenda was the rehabilitation of the victims of turmoil, employment generation in the State and dignity of people.
The party also released the names of 15 candidates who are contesting Assembly elections in the State.