Vote for BJP to strengthen nationalist forces: Priya

Former Minister, Priya Sethi addressing a meeting at Janipur on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 29: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson and former Minister Priya Sethi on Friday said that voting for Congress simply means favouring the Pakistan and strengthening the enemies and traitors of the nation While speaking with Mahila Morcha rally at Janipur here.
Former Minister attacked National Conference, PDP and Congress together for their double standards and said that these Kashmir Centric parties are putting their vested self interest over the national interest.
Sethi, said that Kashmir is paying the price of appeasement policy started by Congress Government at Centre and Congress never tried to solve the issue just for vote bank politics.
Former Minister added that had Sardar Patel been allowed to interfere in Kashmir, the situation would have been altogether different today & had Nehru not announced ceasefire in 1947, the PoK would have been with India.
The mistakes of previous Governments have created this situation in Valley and Congress and Kashmir Centric parties are directly responsible for this,” she added.
She said that “In the quest of gaining political mileage, NC, PDP and Congress are playing the vote bank politics with people”.
While appealing to Jammu people to vote for BJP as Jammu has always been nationalistic and peace loving she said Kashmiris too will Vote for the development and Nationalistic party and don’t get mislead.
There is only one party BJP that believes in equal development for all regions and nation building she said.
While praising the PM Modi, Sethi said that, “we are fortune to have a Prime Minister like Narendra Modi who has taken the nation to a new era of development and became a world leader,”
She asked all the party Karakartyas to work for strengthening of organization at the core level and cover every single area for the victory of Modi by voting in favour of BJP’s Jammu -Poonch Constituency candidate, Jugal Kishore Sharma
She appealed Jammu Poonch Constituency people that voting Jugal Kishore means voting Modi as Jugal Kishore is always working for the people of Jammu Poonch Constituency day night and had been vocal for demands of Jammu in Parliamnet too.
Former Minister said that the present government has taken several revolutionary measures for the welfare of people in Jammu province by initiating prestigious projects like IIT, IIM, FCI, AIIMS, Shahpur Kandi Project, Ujh Multipurpose Project, Devika Conservation Project, Akhnoor road and bridge over river Chenab in Pargwal are Etc and many more.
Among others who addressed the rally included Ayodhya Gupta BJP distt president Jammu West, Veenu Khannna state secy, Sunita Gupta etc.