Vote with a vision for future

Rachna Vinod
Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir hold significant importance due to the region’s unique political, historical, and geopolitical context. Jammu and Kashmir was granted special status under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which allowed it to have its own constitution and significant autonomy over internal matters. However, this special status was revoked by the Bharat Government on August 5, 2019, and the state was reorganized into two Union Territories: Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. Following the abrogation of Article 370, the political landscape in Jammu and Kashmir has been in a state of flux. The region has seen changes in its governance structure, with direct central rule under the Lieutenant Governor in place.
The last assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir were held in 2014. Since the revocation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state, there has not been an assembly election in the newly created Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The region has been under Central administration. Soon a decade long wait for the popular government is going to be over. The upcoming assembly elections, will be the first since the abrogation of Article 370 and the reorganization of the state. These elections will be crucial in determining the political future of the region.
The mood of the electorate is expected to be influenced by a range of factors, including their views on the abrogation of Article 370, economic conditions, development initiatives, and the overall security situation in the region. The Delimitation Commission, established to redraw the constituencies in Jammu and Kashmir, had its impact on the electoral map and possibly the balance of power in future elections. The assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are awaited not just for their political outcomes but also for their implications on the broader question of governance and autonomy in the region. For the past decade, a generation in Jammu and Kashmir has grown up without experiencing the direct influence of an elected government. Since the region has been under central administration, with no assembly elections held since 2014, many young people have only learned about the electoral process and its significance through second-hand sources like media reports, stories from elders, or educational discussions. This generation is now on the cusp of adulthood, having reached the age where they are eligible to vote, and they face a critical moment in their lives and the region’s history. Their understanding of the roles and responsibilities of elected representatives has been shaped largely by what they’ve heard or seen from others, rather than through personal experience.
While they may understand the theoretical benefits of elections-such as representation, accountability, and the power to influence policies-the practical implications of these benefits might remain abstract to them. They have not seen firsthand how their vote can directly impact their lives and communities. As the region prepares for possible upcoming elections, this generation now has a significant opportunity to shape the future of Jammu and Kashmir. This is their moment to translate their awareness into action, and to participate actively in the democratic process. The young electorate can demonstrate their political maturity by participating in large numbers. Their participation is crucial in setting the agenda for development in Jammu and Kashmir, and ensuring that their needs and aspirations are reflected in governance.
For the voters, especially the young voters, now is a chance to reconnect with the democratic process and understand its power. It is an opportunity to move from being passive observers to active participants in shaping their future. Their choices will have long-term impacts on the social, economic, and political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. This is a pivotal moment for a generation that has grown up in a unique political environment. The upcoming elections offer them a chance to step into their roles as active citizens, to use their votes to influence change, and to contribute meaningfully to the development and future of Jammu and Kashmir. This generation’s engagement in the democratic process will be crucial in shaping the region’s path forward, proving that they are ready and willing to participate in the development and governance of their homeland.
In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the youth of Jammu and Kashmir are more connected and informed than any previous generation. With access to a wealth of information at their fingertips through the internet, social media, and other digital platforms, they are exposed to a wide array of perspectives, global events, and developments in real-time. This level of exposure brings with it a significant responsibility-not only to themselves but to their broader community. The choices they make, particularly in the context of upcoming elections, will have profound and long-lasting impacts on the social, economic, and political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. Unlike past generations, today’s youth have unprecedented access to information. They can research candidates, understand policies, and learn about the implications of different political platforms. This access allows them to make more informed decisions when it comes to voting. With so much information available, there’s also a responsibility to critically evaluate what they encounter. The ability to discern credible sources from misinformation or biased narratives is crucial. Their informed decisions can help steer the region towards a more transparent and accountable governance structure. Exposure to global trends and technologies enables the youth to push for innovation-driven economic strategies. By supporting policies that encourage technological adoption, digital infrastructure, and startups, they can help transform Jammu and Kashmir into a hub of innovation and economic vitality.
The decisions made by this generation will shape the long-term trajectory of Jammu and Kashmir. Their choices will influence the region’s social cohesion, economic prosperity, and political stability for years to come. By voting with a vision for the future, they can help create a society that is resilient, inclusive, and forward-looking. The responsibility borne by today’s youth extends to future generations. The political, economic, and social foundations they help lay now will be the legacy they leave behind. It’s a profound responsibility to ensure that this legacy is one of progress, peace, and prosperity. Their engagement in the electoral process is more than just a personal duty-it is a commitment to shaping the future of their community and their region. By making informed, responsible choices, they have the power to influence the direction of Jammu and Kashmir in ways that will resonate for decades. Their active participation is essential not only for their own future but for the broader social, economic, and political well-being of the entire region.