Vrinda… Daughter of God

Sunil R.P Sethi
She was waiting for the love of her life . He was coming after 8 years after leaving her and his people for education and warrior training from best Asura Gurus in South Confederate. She was too young at that time about 12 years of age but hopelessly in love with Jullandar, her childhood friend and companion . Those deep blue eyes which reflects the pain he had undergone all his life , still haunts her . How she will face him . May be she will drop dead at the first sight of Jullandar . But she was willing to die after having mere one look of him
He came and she missed her heartbeat . He was not riding horse but lion . How could that happen . She knew he was brave but this was suicidal. The whole Asura community thundered with applauds. Everyone one was raising slogans praising the arrival of THE LEADER who would save them from humiliation the great Asura community had to undergo at the hands of Sura community with support of invaders Devas. Sura and Asura as two communities have always occupied the territory of Bharat without annoying each other . To the extent they share common Gods . Some fair coloured as Suras like Vishno and some dark coloured like Asuras like Shiva .But all changed by arrival of Devas from mountain who created rift between two communitues by taking sides with Suras . Many leaders of Devas had married Sura women and fathered their children .
Soon after his arrival Jullunder was declared leader and King of Asura by the resident Kalnemmi, her father . She found her companion and love whereas Asuras found their honour and saviour . After consolidating his position in the Asura Kingdom Jullunder proposed to her father for marriage with her which was accepted as honour by him . There was no end to her joy . Her dreams had come true . She would never ask for anything from God . But desires always have tendency to surprise . Her desires also caught her . The desire for safety and honour of her husband . Her whole world started and end with Jullandar only .
She had immense faith in Lord Vishno . Unlike for Asura queen . Her community had always prayed before Lord Shiva for powers and boons. She was always attracted towards Lord Vishno. May be she always related qualities attached with Lord Vishno with her father Kalnemmi . And Lord was also very kind and reciprocating. Now was time to get boon from Lord for safety of her husband and his glory . She entered very harsh Tapasaya to please Lord Vishno . She succeeded after one year and Lord appeared in person and asked her for boon . She asked for glory to her husband and that he should be never defeated or killed by anyone . Lord granted boon to his devotee ,his daughter ,his faithful. He said her husband would neither lost any battle nor can be killed so long she remained faithful to him . She agreed with smiles . She can never think of anyone else .
In due course Jullandar expanded his kingdom defeating his enemies mainly Suras and tribes and became to hilly warriors Devas . He attacked their capital and defeated and vanished their king Indra and was proclaimed ultimate leader of Asura . SadaShiva . Always Shiva . His incarnation. He provided administration which was responsive and there was all round development of Asura community. All was good . But not Suras and Devas who conspired to kill Jullandar but how could words and boon of Vishno fail . Way had to be found by Vishno himself as also Shiva who had to join to face the threat called Jullandar. Devas spread rumours that Jullandar wanted to kidnap consort of Shiva the eternal shakti Parvati to provoke Shiva to battle Jullandar as it was impossible for anyone to fight with Lord Shiva . They succeeded and battle started between Shiva and SadaShiva. And another battle started between her and her destiny . She sat before idol of her Aradaya Lord Vishno praying. Her chastity was rock steady . There was no way Shiva could even harm her Jullandar.
Battle was even between two of the greatest warriors but the situation was fast changing . Jullandar had support of her wife with her boon and Shiva was having Parvati the eternal shakti on his side . She was proving better than Parvati with boon of Lord Vishno and Jullandar had the edge . Asura was looking to coming of new God , human God . Shiva was becoming week as also the old system of Trimurti . Whole world was trembling with use of psychological weapons . Tandav had lost to prayers of Sati and her boon .
Devas rushed to their saviour Lord Vishno to save the world and world order . They had unwittingly initiated the downfall of Lord Shiva . What a mistake . They underestimated both Jullandar and his devoted wife . Lord Vishno had to find way to save Lord Shiva more than saving Devas or Suras . He can’t allow the world to be without Lord Shiva whose mortality will end if something didn’t happen soon . But nothing could happen so long she remained faithful to her husband and she couldn’t forsake her husband at any cost . Everything was messed up . He had to do something to his proclaimed daughter which no father had ever imagined . Was he willing to pay the price of his boon which had become curse for everyone including him . He had to become Shiva and drink poison to save world . Nothing else could help . Only he knew Mohini, the knowledge to take anyone’s image and appear like one .
She was in Temple praying when door opened and her husband entered . Wounded but alive and breaming with pride . He had defeated Shiva but didn’t kill him . He was now Lord Jullandar. She fell at the feet of her father her Lord Vishno to thank for victory . He made unusual demand of making love to celebrate victory. She politely told him to first tend to wounds but he insisted and she didn’t want to spoil the occasion for the love of her life . She obliged and they made love . In the battle field sudden Jullandar felt as if all his energy and power had left his body . He was lifeless unable to raise his weapon . Shiva found opportunity and thrust his trishul. Thus fell SadaShiva with smile on his lips . Satisfaction of fighting against Lord himself and now going to heavens. She was free now but felt little strange in the arms of her husband . He was cold and unlike himself . She again saw in his eyes . They were not blue . What was this . Who was he . She cried foul and he changed his appearance. Her Lord Vishno was before her . She was cheated by her Lord whom she always treated father . He defiled her . Took her chastity . She was no more faithful to Jullandar though by deceit .
She asked why . No answer. She cried and wept . Still no answer. She got the answer in silence . What had happened to Jullandar. So this was all to get rid of her boon . What boon where a father can care none and dishonour the daughter to get victory in battle . Jullandar was no more . She had no reason to live . Lord again showed his magnanimity by asking her to ask for boon . She wanted none . She cursed the Lord that he will face same humiliation and what happened to her will happen with his wife too . He said she would be treated as his wife instead of daughter by all in the shape of tulsi plant . She laughed with contempt . He didn’t want her to be even known as Sati Vrinda wife of SadaShiva Jullandar . She took one long breath and fell down dead at the feet of THE LORD . He was still stun . What had struck . Even with all his wit He had no answer .