Vyas Poornima

Capt. Purshotam Sharma
India is the Holy land. Her skies are divinely illumined. Her earth smells Holy. Her breezes carry the message of peace and goodwill. Her spirits guide the destinies of mankind. Her culture and heritage are blended spiritual through and through. All her institutions, disciplines and branches of knowledge are derived from the ocean of spiritual wisdom which has its sources in numerous manifestations of the Lord saints, sages and seers.
Vyas Poornima, also known as Guru Purnima falls on the Birthday of Sage Ved Vyas. He was born to Satyavathi and sage Prashar in an island (Dweep), he was, therefore, named Dweepayan.Being of dark complexion he was called ‘Krishna Dweepayan’. Because  he had divided Vedas in four parts, he was addressed Veda Vyasa. He had authored our most sacred holy scriptures, ‘puranas, many ‘up pranas’, ‘mahabharat’, Srimad bhagwat. He retired, to deep forests for undertaking severe austerities in his early childhood.
On this asupicious day, disciples worship their spiritual masters (Guru) of their lineage by making offering of ‘guru dakshina, recitation of holy scriptures, observing prescribed austerities, singing glories of the ‘guru’ , holding of meditation sessions and listening to Guru’s discourses. Gurus shower their grace on their disciples laying emphasis on them to follow in full faith their commandants, lead pure life of righteousness, love God’s creation and protect the ideals of Gurh hood.
Guru Geeta is treated by the disciples as the most sacred scripture besides Guru’s own commandments. It is believed that 68 places of pilgrimage lie in the lotus feet of Guru. Guru Geeta proclaims:
“guru  brahma guruo vishnu guru devo maheshwara
guru sakshat param brahm tasmai sri sad guruve namaha”
‘Guru is Brahma (Creater), Guru is Vishnu (Preserver) and Guru is Shiva (Destroyer)’ He is indeed the manifestation of Para Brahm (the Supreme being owner of the Universe)
Word ‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘ru’ means light. Undoubtedly, one who dispels the darkness is Guru.
Guru Geeta further says
“dhyan moolam guru moorthi pooja moolam guru padam
mantra moolam guru vakyam mokdh moolam guru kripa”
“Meditate on the countenance of Guru for the root of all meditation lies in it, worship guru’s lotus feet for the root of all worship lies in them, repeat Guru’s holy words for the root of words lies in them the root of liberation lies in the Guru’s grace.
In all fields of our activities, we need a Guru. On the spiritual path, we take refuge in Guru who is self realized soul and strive for spiritual enlightenment. Guru is the role Model (‘adarsh purush’) to his disciples and is affectionately adored, explicitly obeyed and highly revered. Disciples believe that he will pull them out of  illusion and take across the ocean of ‘Samsara’ (mundane world). Guru moulds and shapes the disciples like a potter through his skill. He makes the disciples to conquer the mind and guard against the snares of senses. He draws line of caution and warns not to transgress it. He expects his disciples to put all cares in his hands so that he can tide over the troubles by his grace. In saint Sahjo Bai’s words :
“Guru se kuchh na duraiye guru  se jhoot na bol
buri bhali khoti khari guru aage sab khol”
‘nothing should be concealed from Guru. Never tell a lie before him. Good or bad, false or true, everything should be unfolded before him.’
Even the incarnations of God like Lord Rama and Krishna had their Gurus.
Guru Gorakhnath’s Guru was Bhagwan Duttateya Ji Maharaj (an incarnation of Lord Shiva) Shankaracharya Ji Maharaj had his Guru.
“Guru Prem Se Guru Dhyan Ho Hogi Smadhi Aap Hi
Nahin Vyarth Hogi Bhawna Vairagya Hoga Aap Hi
Phir Shant Hoga Chit Au Nirvan Hoga Aap Hi
Path Par  Chalega Vir to Cantavya Milta Aap Hi”
(Swami Gaibanand Ji
Maharaj in Anandullas)
Through love for his Guru. aspirant’s mind is fixed on him and he dips in the state of superconsciousness. The dedication to guru never goes unrewarded. The reward is dispassion. Dispassion puts mind in peace and deliverance is sought. The brave ‘Sadhak’ through his spiritual journey is bound to reach the destination.’