Vinod Verma
Experience comes from bad and Good judgements. This Self-Experience gives enough ability to a human being to make right use of knowledge. This quality of being wise is appropriated as ‘WISDOM’. And the wisdom which is just sufficient to be utilized at a particular moment, in day to day living, in work execution, in communicating, in perceiving, in characterizing, in helping, in self-elevating, in manners, in style, in all the things is averred as ‘WALKING WISDOM’.This supreme excellence is allied directly with the Intellect of a person. Intellect is not a constant feature. It is time bound ability of a person to workout his brain with a right kind of action or thought at right kind of place and time.
Walking wisdom is based upon the Intelligent Quotient of the being which comes as a natural result of elevated thought orientation. It depends from man to man and experience to experience that the intelligent action is generated first and further ignites the “Walking Wisdom” which begins with an elevated mind. Pure thoughts then cultivate it and mental powers brightens it immediately with the perception of Truthfulness. In this level of achievement, walking wisdom remains operative in a continuous mode of action and application. It sustains in wisdom itself, in art of understanding, in art of communicating, with reference to all rational powers as a derivative of all knowledge from pure reason. Walking Wisdom is a combination of 3 K’s, Knower-Known-Knowledge and Action, the person in Action i.e- Actor and Instrument. Here Instrument is the soul which is in harmony with the rhythm of heart giving the octet of an agile harmonious thought, clearly understandable, which prismize the vision of thinking principle. This leads to the colourful combination of the original perception with a band of seven colours of ‘Rightness’, ‘Mental Brightness’, ‘Truthfulness’, ‘Skillfulness’, ‘Broadmindedness’, Artlessness’, and Goodness.
One of the basic ingredients which contributes to the walking Wisdom is ‘INTUITION’ which is nothing but the power of mind by which it immediately perceives the Truth of things without reasoning or analysis. To be an intitutive is an arduous task. Self Control & Self acquisition of knowledge will definitely be of great help in this course of action. Practising it again & again will generate automatically this abstruse power & will help in utilizing walking wisdom as a continuous ability in thought/Action.
Most of the people don’t utilize the walking wisdom when in thought or action. As a result, can’t perform their work satisfactorily or generate the proper output as and when required to the extent of esteemed perfection. We should become capable enough to utilize our walking wisdom in every activity we derive, in every thought we think, in every message we convey, in every foundation we lay, in every art we live and in every happiness we give.
This is the message of life which will massage your octet of conscience, relishing your life, producing the essence of contentment and every one of us then will breathe in serenity.