Wani, Bhalla, Charak, others visit Pak firing affected victims

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 9: Minister for Road and Buildings Department Abdul Majid Wani, former Minister Gulchain Singh Charak and several others visited the Pakistani firing affected victims and condemned the act of Pak troops for targeting Indian civilians.
Mr Wani accompanied by some Congress leaders paid visit to Govt Medical College Hospital and inquired about the health of injured civilians and BSF personnel. He asked the Principal Medical College to ensure best possible and free medical treatment.
Talking to the media-persons Mr Wani said that Pakistani  Army is indulging in cowardice act by firing on the innocent border people. This is being done only to divert the attention of the people of its country as Nawaz Sharief has failed on all fronts. Pakistan is facing internal crisis. Their efforts to misguide Kashmiri youth have also failed. This is desperation on the part of Pakistani forces and its agency ISI, he added.
Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Sports Raman Bhalla visited Deoli, Slaehar and Arnia area and reviewed the facilities for the border migrants.  He also went to Govt Higher Secondary school Rehal, Golden Palace Deoli and Salehar school where migrants have been rehabilitated temporarily. He directed  the district and tehsil officials to make arrangements for the water, food, electricity etc for the migrants. Officials from PHE, PDD, revenue and red Cross Society accompanied the Minister.
Former Minister and senior Congress leader,  Gulchain Singh Charak along with Congress leaders Dr Nand Lal Bhagat,  Puran Singh and Gambhir Dev Singh paid visited to several Pak firing affected villages of Bishnah and Arnia and took stock of situation prevailing there. They listened to the woes of the firing victims and assured every possible help from State Coalition Government. The people told them that how they were passing sleepless nights due to constant shelling from Pak side. They said that the cattle were being killed and ripened crop is also getting damaged.  They demanded that 5 marla  plots be provided to the border villages at the safer places. Mr Charak also demanded that ex-gratia/relief  to the Pak firing victims should be enhanced. After this, Mr Charak also visited relief camp at Rehal, Deoli and Salehar.
Former Minister and MLA Ramnagar from NPP, Harshdev Singh has expressed grave concern over the war like situation created on the border resulting in to large scale migration, loss of precious lives  and damages being caused to cattle, agriculture fields and houses. He said that with continuous firing a large number of families from border belt have been dislocated. He condemned the highly violent postures of  Pakistan and said the international community should take cognizance of it. Cautioning Pakistan of serious consequences, Mr Singh said that precarious situation in Pakistan is gradually heading towards dangerous situation. Unable to deal with the internal crisis, Pakistan was now resorting to such tactics to divert attention of its people.
Indu Pawar, MLA from Congress Party along with other party workers paid visit to Arnia and Bishnah villages and took stock of situation in view of  Pakistani firing. The MLA listened to the woes of the people and also met the families of those who lost their members in firing. She assured full support from the NC-Congress coalition Government.
Senior PDP leader Abdul Hamid Choudhary has expressed serious concern over the increasing ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops and damages caused by them along the entire border belt of Jammu, Rajouri and Poonch. The PDP leader said that State Government must take care of the food and shelter of these affected people. He stressed that both India and Pakistan must create situation of peace along borders so that people could carry their routine activities of farming and others on both sides of the IB and LoC.
Senior BJP leader  and spokesperson, Arun Kumar Gupta has said that unprovoked firing by Pakistan on the International Border  and the LoC claiming precious lives  and loss of property is unfortunate which needs to be condemned. Mr Gupta said it is silly that some political parties in this hour of crisis were trying to score points by blaming the Central Government. Such people should desist from such acts and support the Government fully and get united against any external aggression/ crisis. He said the Central Government has given free hand to the forces to respond appropriately to the Pakistan’s provocative steps.  He said targeting civilians is against civilized norms and Pakistan deserves severest condemnation from the world community.
Jammu State Morcha in its meeting held under the leadership of Prof  Virender Gupta strongly condemned the continues ceasefire violations and unprovoked shelling along the LoC and International Border, causing loss of life property. Morcha said though Indian forces are responding appropriately to the Pak misadventure, there is need to take the appropriate steps to silence the Pak guns and restore peace along borders. JSM demanded that adequate relief be provided to the families who lost their members and other injured or suffered other losses.
Meanwhile, BJP activists today held protest demonstration at Billawar (Kathua) against the Pakistan for targeting Indian civilians along the International Border. The BJP activists led by Narayan Dutt Tripathi  started protest demonstration from Ramkote town and after passing through Nagrota, Mandli and Phinter, they  finally reached at Billawar Tehsil headquarters. They were shouting slogans against Pakistan and its Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief. Mr Dutt also addressed the large rally and alleged that Pakistan was indulging in Human Rights violations. He condemned the act of Pak forces and said that they should be taught lesson for this misadventure.  Pakistan must be given clear and strong message. They also burnt the effigy of Pakistan.
Congress activists also staged protest against the Pakistani forces at Gangyal. The Congress workers led by former chairman JMC and senior Congress leader Satish Sharma assembled at Gangyal in Gandhi Nagar constituency and held protest. They were raising slogans against the Pakistan and its premier Nawaz Sharief. They also burnt the effigy of Nawaz Sharief.  They condemned the killings of innocent villagers by the Pakistani forces  and said that Pak must be given strong reply. Mr Satish demanded that border villagers be provided 5 marla plots at the safer places.
PDP workers under the leadership of  F C Bhagat held strong protest demonstration at Bishnah against Pakistan for targeting innocent border people from Bishnah and Arnia. A large number of people and party workers assembled at the town  near Tehsildar office and started protest demonstration.  Mr Bhagat alleged that State Government was adopting casual approach in solving the problem while people were facing lot of hardships. They blocked the road for several hours and raised slogans. Bhagat alleged that Omar Government has failed to provide food and shelter to the affected border villagers.
All J&K Sikh Unity Forum in a meeting held under the chairmanship of  Rajinder Singh strongly condemned the  Pakistan for targeting Indian civilians in the border belt. Mr Singh criticized the Centre for its policy and alleged that Modi Government has failed to protect life and property of its people. He said recent ceasefire violations have broken record of the UPA Government and the people are suffering in big way. He demanded that border people be provided plots at safer zones.
Meanwhile, Sri Ram Sena has expressed concern over the number of increasing Pak firing victims in the GMC Jammu hospital and alleged that Hospital authorities were charging fee from the Pak firing victims. State president Rajiv Mahajan alleged mismanagement at Hospital and said that authorities were charging for the CT Scan and other tests of the firing victims. He alleged that even the adequate Medical staff was not available to look after the patients.