War against terrorism in final phase: Rana

Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana during an inaugural function.
Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana during an inaugural function.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 21: Noting with satisfaction the decisive onslaught on terrorism and its eco-system in Jammu and Kashmir, Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana today lauded the valiant security forces for wiping out the menace with pro-active support of the people, who want end to alien gun culture and peace to prevail for progress and prosperity.
Interacting with media persons on the side-lines of an inaugural function here this evening, Rana said that determined efforts of the government and the security forces have resulted in major successes on the terror front in the recent months. In sheer desperation, the Pakistan sponsored and supported terrorists have been indulging in barbaric targeted attacks, he said and referred to the martyrdom of the Kashmiri Pandit employee Rahul Bhat in Chadoora, SPO Riyaz Ahmed Thoker in Pulwama district and wine shop employee Ranjit Singh in Baramulla town. He said their sacrifices will not go waste and the killers have either been neutralized or held. The war against terrorism appears to be in the final phase, he added.
He said the target killings are a manifestation of desperation of the terrorists and their handlers. He said such incidents will not deter the Nation’s determination to eliminate terrorism from the soil of J&K infact they reinforce the resolve to ensure that the 360 degree grip of the security grid is further tightened. He said a multipronged strategy to eliminate terrorists, control cross border infiltration, identify and punish over ground workers and shut the tap of terror funding have resulted in normalcy fast returning to the streets of Kashmir and the day is not far when Kashmir will regain its glory of peace and tranquillity blossoming the bosom of the valley’s beauty.
He said an onerous responsibility is cast upon the political leadership to call spade a spade and denounce violence in any manifestation. No justification or argument can condone the acts of terrorism, which is the biggest challenge of this century to the entire world, he maintained.
Rana said a blue print for the fast track development and progress of Jammu and Kashmir is in place and the path for achieving this objective has been put in place by expediting investments. This will not only give a big boost to productivity but also generate employment in a big way. He said the investment of over Rs. 36,000 crore has already begun while doubling of the investment to Rs 75,000 crore by this year’s end will be a game changer for Jammu and Kashmir. The momentum is destined to grow in the years to come as per the cherished agenda of Prime Minister Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Paryas, he said and hoped the people will continue to lend their support for the efforts of national progression.