War : An end product of selfishness!

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Plato. Azhar U Din I n spite of different religions, races, languages, cultures, and ethnicities we are all human beings. We all belong to the same species i.e Human beings. Nature has bestowed us the beautiful abode in the form of the mother earth where the resources are so much that she can sustain all human beings equally without deprivation, discrimination, and poverty. In the past, all the people were living with brotherhood, cooperation, and tranquility because there was no concept of “mine”. All the people were working on resources together for sustenance and thus, all the natural assets belonged to everyone. Over time an idea of “ours” was replaced by an idea of “mine” and thus, might is right became the tool of exploitation used by physically powerful people over the weaker. As a result, our society was divided into two classes: the rich and the poor. This division can also be seen in the countries in the form of developed and developing. It cannot be wrong to say that the poverty, hunger, and sky-touching unemployment in the developing countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and in other developing countries is because of the developed countries who drained all the wealth from them in the name of imperialism, colonialism, and neo-imperialism and left them in the begging state. As the power in the form of industrialization, army, and other resources increases then almost every country wants to expand its territorial area for the overexploitation of the resources at the cost of sovereignty of the poor and weaker nation. This attempt results in the loss of thousands of the precious lives of innocent people. For example, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has resulted in the loss of 14,000 lives since 1987. About 500,000 people were killed in the Iraq and Iran wars. By the direct war violence, approximately 929,000 people have been killed in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, and Iraq. It has to be estimated that about 38 million people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria were forcibly displaced by the U.S. post wars. It has been estimated by various scholars that the bloody conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir has led leads to a loss of nearly seventy thousand Kashmiris and about eight thousand had been reported missing till 2015. Nature has created this earth for every living being and thus, every human being has a right to live his or her life with dignity, respect, and freedom. No individual has a right to curtail the freedom of others. Nature has given the free choice to everyone to live his or her life without hurting the other. Why do we human beings not live with cooperation and peace? Why do some powerful and wealthy people loot the resources of the poor even though they know that this life is temporary and short? All human beings at last face the bitter reality of death but still some of us have the problem of collecting the hefty amount of wealth by the exploitation of the poor and the overutilization of the earth’s resources. This overuse of resources by a particular group of people results in war, tyranny, oppression, and tension. Every religion has given a better code of conduct for living a life with solace and peace. But some persons who are the contractors of religion are looting innocent people by using religion as the tool of exploitation and shield to protect themselves. It is a very sad reality of our societies that in the Mosques, temples, churches, and at other religious places, the priests give the sermons of equality but outside them, poor young women, old people, and children are begging for the belly. Is this being a definition of equality given by religion? Nature has bestowed enough resources to man and if he uses them wisely and honestly then no one in the world would be the poor, no one can sleep without food. But it is the selfishness, hoarding, money-grabbing, materialistic vision of some handful of people which results in hunger, prostitution, crime, poverty, unemployment, war, conflict in the societies. It is very interesting to note here that about 85% of global wealth is just concentrated in the hands of 10% of the richest adults. By this fact, one can imagine the sky touching the gap between the rich and the poor. Wars and conflicts will continually occur unless and until the thirst of the materialism of some greedy persons will be quenched down. The poor people of the developing countries will only make progress and prosperity when they will cut down the roots of corruption, hoarding, dishonesty, and will not do politics on religion, caste, and region. In addition to this, it is the need of the hour for them to resolve their issues and misunderstandings with their neighbour countries with peace and cooperation and not to include the superpower countries to interfere in their matters so that, the developed countries will find no chance to increase the enmity and tension between the two neighbouring countries for their personal gains and benefits. Peace will only come when the entire world will live with mutual cooperation and when the developed countries will help the developing nations to come out from poverty and unemployment and when every individual will be given the highest degree of freedom to live his/her life with many choices and options so that every human being can enjoy his/ her life to the fullest extent.