Waste free canals in Jammu !

Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat

With an aim of clearing irrigation canals from solid waste, it is given to understand that the Irrigation and Flood Control Department Jammu (I&FC) is soon going to launch SwachNeharAbhiyaanunder which major irrigation canals in Jammu  and other towns would be cleaned by way of scientific solid waste management as per the guidelines of Solid Waste Management Rules (SWM Rules 2016).
During my personal meeting with Chief Engineer I&FC JammuMr P N Bali some time back, I suggested him that in order to restore the lost glory of several canals flowing around Jammu city and its outskirts, it was the duty of department to undertake scientific solid waste management in these canals. I have come to know that Chief Engineer held a high level meeting in this regard on September 20th in Jammu which was attended by all the SE’s and Executive Engineers of I&FC Department Jammu. From last several days whole country is focusing on Swachta hi Sevahai. Isn’t it  the duty of Irrigation & Flood control to clean all its assets especially the  Irrigation canals which are completely chocked with solid waste .
Spiritual aspect :
The canals in Jammu have religious, spiritual and cultural significance as well , but no due care has been given to these canals and nallah’s. During last several years, the focus of I&FC Department has been on de-silting of canals , while on the other hand tons of solid waste , especially plastic , temple flowers , vegetables  and other organic waste and in organic waste continues to be dumped in the canals and water bodies across Jammu and even in Kashmir valley. The Chief Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control Department agreed to clear all this waste and then treat it scientifically rather than throwing it here and there.
Initially I&FC Department must begin its campaign from schools and colleges by creating awareness through Information Education and Communication activities  (IEC activities). This would be followed by tendering out the cleaning work on canals but the work should be taken up as per the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016.
Role of Rural Dev Deptt :
Pertinent to mention that  Rural Development Minister  on several occasions made a promise to go ahead with Solid Waste Management in rural areas of J&K, but not even a single work has taken place in any of the 22 districts. In villages Rural Development Department  could also have undertaken cleaning of canals under its Solid Liquid Waste Management Programme.
As there is very short working season especially in Kashmir valley and remote areas of Kishtwar and Doda , the work cannot take place for Solid Liquid Waste Management after November  as construction will be hampered. Earlier there was very weak response from Project Implementation Agencies (PIAs) for executing waste management work in rural area  andGovt had decided to retender the work on solid liquid waste management (SLWM) under Swatch Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM Gramin) in J&K. Even after retendering the work 2nd time there was no response from the PIAs.The Minister for Rural Development Abdul Haq Khan , during an interaction at waste management conference in Srinagar in June this year  had assured that fresh tenders would be issued soon , but more than 3 months have elapsed , the fresh tenders haven’t at all been floated.
Earlier the work was retendered more than 5 months back and after opening the bids at Directorate of Rural Sanitation (DRS) Srinagar, all the 4 bidders were found to be ineligible which delayed the process of implementing this sanitation work in rural areas. From last 4 months Government is tight lipped over this issue and once again funds would get lapsed under the rural sanitation programme….
Under Swatch Bharat Mission (SBM Gramin) , Solid Liquid Waste Management is an important component but from last more than 2 years not a single rupee has been spent by Directorate of Rural Sanitation in this sector.
J&K had identified one to two villages in each district to accomplish the  task of Solid Liquid Waste Management(SLWM)   , but as per reliable sources the said work is yet to take off inspite of the fact that Swatch Bharat Mission (SBM) lays special emphasis on the same. Inspite of clear cut guidelines under Swatch Bharat Mission Gramin  , the Directorate of Rural Sanitation has  not undertaken the solid liquid waste management  work in some 20 to 40 villages which were identified earlier by the Directorate across J&K after getting Open Defecation Free (ODF) certificates .To clear canals and other water bodies from solid waste Rural Development Department and Irrigation & FC can also  work in collaboration.
Work in Kanpur :
Ankit Agarwal is an entrepreneur from Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. He is the Founder of Helpusgreen, a social enterprise that preserves the Ganga River by up-cycling flower waste dumped into the river into patented lifestyle products. In the process, Help us green is creating jobs for rural women, who help transform the waste into organic fertilizer, incense and other products. An Acumen India Fellow like me ,Ankit has worked on sustainability projects across 26 countries and received mentions from India’s Prime Minister, Fortune and Forbes. From last several years Ankitand his team collects flowers that are used  in temples across Kanpur. Ankit told me that his organization makes organic compost from these flowers through a patented technology . The compost is  exported to Germany and sold  @ Rs 250 per Kg. I have requested Ankit to come to Jammu to treat the similar flower waste generated in Jammu city which is the  City of Temples. We have tons of flower waste in Jammu but this is either thrown in the local canals or Tawi river. Why cannot Irrigation & Flood Control Department and Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) take up this task  and treat this organic waste by involving social enterprises like Help us green ? This will not only make Jammu clean and green but will create more jobs and skills for the local educated youth who can establish small compost units at different places in the city and its outskirts.