Waste woes

This refers to ‘Kashmir’s waste woes continue’ article by Raja Muzaffar Bhat.
He has done a very good work in this field and has highlighted the same through this article. I would like to mention about two points.
His refutation of claims by various Municipal Commissioners regarding solid waste disposal must be true because no commissioner would have taken trouble to visit the site of disposal as claimed by him and would have made statement on the basis of report by their local officials. Officers generally don’t leave their offices to physically visit the site. This is when they have to report to NGT. He mentioned about shrinking of land in Kashmir valley as reason for non-availability of land in some cases for waste disposal sites. Not only for the valley, this is true for every state of the country, and it’s because of “Exploding Population growth”. More and more land is being consumed for residential purposes and also for affiliated buildings including. markets etc. Population explosion is the culprit of many woes of India but most of our politicians and so called intellectuals don’t want to accept this fact. This is one more reason for generation of more solid waste.
Surinder Gupta