Watch interests of local unemployed youth: Pawar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 28: Cautioning Union Government against ignoring interests of local youth in jobs and employment, former MLA and president of Pradesh Mahila Congress, Indu Pawar today said that the interests of locals must be protected in new dispensation after October 31.
Addressing party workers’ meeting here today Mahila Congress leader said that after Union Government’s decision, the state of J&K is going to be formally converted into two Union Territories (UT) on October 31 and there are apprehensions among local educated youth that they would lose their right on jobs.
“Their apprehensions should be removed and Union Government must make constitutional provisions to ensure locals have rights on jobs”, She said while addressing a meeting of party workers here this afternoon.
Mahila Congress president regretted that instead of giving assurance to residents of J&K, local BJP leaders are indulging into taunting inhabitants of J&K with one way or the other. She further regretted that despite getting huge mandate of the people of Jammu region, local BJP leaders are hesitating to protect interests of people.
She asked BJP leadership to allay apprehension   among the people of Jammu losing land and jobs rights after abrogation of Articles 370 and 35-A provisions. “Instead of taunting educated youth of Jammu in the name of competition, local BJP leaders should convince their Central leaders to make constitutional provisions to protect interests of locals in land and job”, she said and warned that ignoring locals interests would be prove costly for the Centre.
Pawar said people of Jammu would not accept any move of the Centre at the cost of losing rights of jobs and lands. She demanded that interests of locals in J&K should be safeguarded through Constitutional provisions on the pattern of Himachal Pradesh and added that the Government needs to adopt a practical approach instead of taking a rigid stand.
Vandana Makhnotra, Suman Choudhary, Sunita, Neetu, Anusuyia and others were also present.