Water bodies in Valley shrinking: Soz

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, May 31: Senior Congress leader and former minister Prof Saifuddin Soz has expressed serious concern over the shrinking of water bodies in Kashmir.
In a press statement here today Soz said, “For a change, we may turn from politics to our fragile ecology and environment, I would like to invite the attention of the people to the shrinking of our water bodies’ in Kashmir.
He pointed out that the efforts made towards conservation of our assets like Wular and Dal have already failed to solve the problem to a satisfactory level. The LAWDA has quite a lot to show in files. But, the reality is that no sizeable effort has continued towards solution of a durable nature.
Soz said an all out effort is needed to organize a movement to conserve our water bodies, unless we are prepared to see the disaster happening before our very eyes. Some of the beautiful lakes around Srinagar such as Gilsar and Khushal Sar are also shrinking by the day through the wonton encroachments and pathetic negligence of the Governance system.
” I would urge DC Srinagar to sustain the effort directed at conservation of Gilsar, Khuhalsar and other smaller lakes, which may not need enormous funding,” Soz maintained.