Water fall at Patnitop

I would like to say that when the esteemed readers of this paper will read that there is a “Natural water fall” at famous tourist resort Patnitop, only a few will believe. But it is a reality. The sorry state of  affairs is that those responsible for highlighting and developing this spot have failed to do so. Neither the tourists are told to visit this waterfall at Patnitop nor there is motorable road to reach here. It is to mention that this waterfall is just at a distance of about two kilometers from famous Nag Devita temple- Patnitop. We are wonder struck to see the natural beauty of this place, when great amount of high speed cold water coming from Dhar Shivgarh falls from great height to a deep piece of land and after touching the ground the water,  scattered around in shower like outlets on green grass and natural flowers. From historical point of view, the elders told that when the State of Chenani was attacked by Sikh forces aided by Raja Suchet Singh of Ramnagar, this route was taken by Raja Dayal Chand of Chenani, to shift his treasury and arms from Chenani to Fort at Dhar Shivgarh. As the water fall is bounded by high straight rocks on both the sides having cave like structures on one side densly covered by thorny bushes and wild trees. So Raja Dayal Chand kept a part of treasury and arms in these caves with the help of some local Gaddi and Thakur, who were very loyal and faithful subjects of the kind. The  forefathers of these local elders had told them that long ropes and wooden poles were used to reach these keeps. Later when Raja Dayal Chand got back Chenani state, the locals do not know when and how was this part of Treasury taken back to Chenani. Some still believe that it may be lying in these tough caves. Apart from water fall, the other points of ancient heritage importance like Fort of Dhar Shivgarh, Chorgala Fort and lake at Bhatla (Mada) should also be developed and brought at tourist map as all of them are very near to Patnitop. The Tourism Department and Patnitop Development Authority should work to promote these places of great touristic and historical importance.
Yours etc…
Rajinder Chand Anthal
Zonal Education Officer (Rtd)
Chanani (Udhampur)