Water tourism in Ranjeet Sagar lake

Ranjeet sagar lake
Ranjeet sagar lake

Shiv Kumar Padha Lakes, water reservoirs, rivers, and ponds, as compared to the traditional tourism, have got ample scope for multi-dimensional water tourism. The 24 km. long Wullar lake, surrounded by mountains is one of the fresh water lakes in Asia and biggest the in India in Jammu and Kashmir, Dal lake the exotic beauty in Srinagar and one of the beautiful lakes in India and second largest in Jammu and Kashmir, Mansar lake, Sruinsar lake and the vast 88 sq. km. crystal clear fresh water Ranjeet Sagar lake of Basohli situated amidst Shivalik hills are some of the popular and panoramic lakes of Jammu and Kashmir which are in no way less than the lakes in other parts of the world and if they are developed as per the national and international standards they have much to offer to the variety of tourists all over the country. The 88 sq.km. vast RanjeetSagar lake is one of the largest fresh water lakes of the country which was formed as a result of ponding of the Thein dam at river Ravi. It starts from the village Thein (originally calledThein Dam) and culminates near Khajura village of Basohli tehsil. The entire lake is encircled by the range of high Shivalik hills. The whole stretch of the lake is naturally divided into a number of lakes of different dimensions with the widths ranging from one to three Kmts. The whole lake is deep and pollution free. The lake is situated at the threshold of Jammu and Kashmir and runs all along the entire tehsil up to Mashka.Ranjeetsagar lake as per its dimension and location has got ample scope for ware tourism in the state, and its development can add one more feather in the cap of tourism industry of Jammu and Kashmir in future. RSD lake has large potential for multi-dimensional water tourism for the tourists of varied tastes and temperament. Variety of tourism can be developed according to the dimensions of the lakes formed at different places throughout the whole stretch of the lake. * The part of the lake with two to three kmt. width is ideal for boat racing, water skiing, wind surfing, yatching (like in Mansbal, and Dal lake), hang gliding, kayaking, canoing etc. * Shikaras can take the tourists for water ride miles amidst the Shivalik hills having thick forest all over. * House boats and the floating restaurants can attract large number of tourists from all over the world to spend their vacations and weekends. The festivals like new year day, Dewalis, important events and variety of festivities can be celebrated on board the floating restaurants * Training centers for Para military forces in rescue operation in the event of floods and capsizing of boats and vessels can be established in the vicinity of the lake. * Training center for naval wing of NCC for imparting actual training instead of simulated one can be started in the lake. * The lake has  immense scope for the celluloid and TV world for shooting their films and serials. The 22 kmt. Long strip of the lake is rich in thick trees, hedges and sufficient water food which make it ideal for developing it into a bird sanctuary which would  enable the lovers and watchers of the people to watch birds in their real environment. The ideal places for these sanctuaries are the coastal areas; water bound places, manmade lakes and water reservoirs having plenty of trees, thick hedges to lay eggs and camouflage. The sanctuaries in India houses 1200 species out of 8600 species of the birds in the world like Drogas, Mynas, Siberian cranes, King fishers, jungle owlets and flamingos etc. After the completion of the much awaited popular cable stayed bridge over river Ravi in the mid-2014, maximum of the tourist traffic for Jammu and Kashmir will be routed via Basohli where the beautiful giant fresh water lake below the bridge will offer threshold welcome to the visitors and can offer variety of water games and water events. It will be quite in the interest and benefit of the government and the tourism department of the state to develop and boost water tourism in the RSD lake before the influx of the tourists takes place in the state via Basohli where there are many tourist attractions like shrines, monuments, panoramic valleys, water falls, beautiful ridges, vast meadows and pastures in addition to the water tourism in the lake.