Weather forecosts

There is no denying the fact that the vagaries of weather are there in the atmosphere, as per geographical conditions of a place, and cause too much weather disturbances, sometimes causing unimaginable loss to both human and property in the shape of thunderstorms, tsunamis and hailstorms etc but these are natural disasters which can’t be avoided by humans.
The fierce winds, storms and fast running waves near oceans take a heavy toll of life, though there are disaster mangement departments to cope up with the situation.
The division of the year in different seasons such as spring summer, autumn and winter are there and years before the elderly people in the families used to familiarize their youngsters about the change of season from time to time and their forecast would come true. But for the last few years due to the global warming there has been a drastic change in the seasons. The climatic conditions have worsened and as such predictions turn out to be wrong.
We have got the meteorological department to forecast the weather. For the last few years their forecasts regarding weather have proved right, so it is in the interest of things of the passengers whether on road or by air to wait for forecasts and then go for journey, otherwise, leaving the homes especially for long journeys cause too much inconvenience to them. The passengers fall a prey to hoteliers etc.
Yours etc….
Dwarika Nath Raina
H. No. 131 Upper Muthi,