What is God?

Manoj Dwivedi, IAS
Recently Stephen Hawking, the genius scientist declared that there is no GOD. An equally remarkable if not greater genius Albert Einstein established a very strong belief in GOD as he progressed in life. He however never lost faith in science and hence said “God never plays Dice” to emphasize that Gods existence does not get negated by science rather principals of science are operating tools for God.
The Universe has challenged scientists from the beginning and the more the mysteries of nature have been decoded the greater is the challenge it has thrown. Richard Feyman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, “Why nature is mathematical is a mystery… The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle”. Another miracle o nature is the fact that in every cell of our body there exists a very detailed instruction code. Our DNA instruct the cell. DNA is a three billion lettered program instructing the cell to act in a particular way. Its a complete instruction manual. Its is difficult to believe that such precise information like this can exist in chemical form wishing every living creation without someone intentionally constructing it.
Analyzing a theorem from the late Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel a team of two scientists from Germany has proven that God exists. Christoph Benzmüller of Berlin Free University and Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo of Technical University in Vienna have mathematically through their theorem have done extensive work on formalization, Mechanization and Automation of Gödel’s Proof of God’s existence.
Stephen Hawking, the renowned astrophysicist gave an interview to Spanish newspaper El Mundo recently and explained his firm belief that universe was the work of scientifically explainable phenomenon and not a supreme being. in 1988 in his famous book A Brief History of time he had mentioned that a unifying theory of science would help mankind “know the mind of God”. So what makes Stephen Hawking negate the existence of God now? Its probably search for scientific evidences that have evaded him so far despite his very rationale explanations of the Universe and its great astronomical events like Black Holes.
Definition of God as a superhuman is most simplistic attempt.The belief that there is a supreme being who is creator, operator and destroyer of everything in this universe makes this Universe a subset of the supreme being- God. For a genius like Stephen, this is too simplistic a version of God. His in-depth study of Universe would not allow such a simplistic version even if it fulfills all tests of faith.
Answers are easy to find in ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Upanishads. It states that sum-total of the energy and consciousness of this Universe can be called as God where every unit in itself is mirror of the whole.The physical manifestation is matter and energy which are interconvertible and the intelligence that runs through is the consciousness. This as a whole is certainly greater than the parts that make it and hence is supreme.
When you connect to the energy aspect of the universe you discover infinite spread from subatomic particles to galaxies i.e from microcosm to macrocosm. This infinite manifestation is vast enough to engage greatest scientific procedures unfolding the mysteries of Universe one part after another.
However when you connect to the consciousness aspect of the universe you open up to the intelligence that integrates microcosm to macrocosm. This is induction to the knowledge of God. Einstein and many saints witnessed this and hence strongly believed in existence of God not limiting themselves to the scientific principles that explain physical realm of our existence.
Maybe Stephen Hawking has yet to tide over this barrier and open up his genius to realm of infinite consciousness that pervades the universe and makes it self sustainable and self evolving- the supreme intelligence- the God.
(The author is Joint Secretary, Department of Commerce,
Ministry of Commerce & Industry)