What true spirituality teaches

M.L. Kaul
Every person has strengths and weaknesses. Whenever  we see a special manifestation of talent, whether big or small,  we should understand that it is a particular blessing of God.  By calling it a blessing it is to be regarded as a means of  doing good to nature and one’s fellow beings. Such talents  are an asset to the world. For this very reason, that individual  should strive to live with utmost care and devotion. He should  strive to ensure that such abilities, which the infinite universal power has deigned to bestow on him, are not misused or used  solely for safeguarding selfish interests. What is a small  mistake by an ordinary person becomes a big mistake when  committed by one with extraordinary abilities.
Those with special talents and abilities should be role  models, too. They can thus influence the lives of many people,  leading them to virtue. When a celebrity appears in an  advertisement to popularise a particular brand of soap, shampoo  or perfume , aren’t at least some people inspired to use those  products? So, when famous people say  good things and do good  deeds, they will be great inspirations to others.
There is a story of a world famous footballer who declined  to appear in advertisements for alcohlic beverages or cigarettes.  His reason was that, “I’m surrounded by a huge fan base that  watches my every word and move. In particular the younger generation  tries to emulate my ways. If I endorse those products. I’ll  be sending them the wrong message. It will be like committing a  big crime against them.” Not everyone may be able to help others  by giving money or wealth. But being able to think and act in this  way is setting an excellent example. Anyone with a social conscience  can do this if he or she has the right attitude.
Every individual is indebted to the society he or she  lives in, to fellow beings and to nature. Therefore, we ought  to pay back to the community whatever we owe with an open  mind. Ordinary people should serve society and nature according to their abilities. Those with extraordinary talents must be prepared to dedicate those talents to society_ Refusing to do so and instead acting according to the base instincts that have enslaved them is the main reason for the problems we see all around us.
There is another story, once a traveller from overseas  came to see Chanakya at dusk. Chanakya (Teacher, Philosopher  and Roval adviser in the time of Maurya Empire -370-283 BC)  was writing something in the light of a small oil lamp. As  soon as he saw the visitor, he stopped writing_ He took another  lamp, and putting in a wick and some oil. Lit it. He then  extinguished the first lamp and invited the guest to speak. The guest asked,”Why did you extinguish one lamp and light another?”
Chanakya replied,” I was doing some official work. The  oil for the lamp I was using was given by the Government. But  talking to you now is a personal matter. 1 don’t use Government  funds for my personal needs. The oil for this second lamp  was bought using money from my income. I use this lamp for  personal matters.” What society needs today are good role  models like him. It is natural for someone with extraordinary  talents to become egoistic. If he remains unaware of his  egoism and becomes enslaved by selfishness, his knowledge and  skills will become a burden to society. Conversely one who  discharges his duty without selfishness or egoism becomes a  blessing to the world. We should first realize that we are  insignificant creatures in the universe. We need to become  aware of our own limitations.
We have made great accomplishments in various fields.  We have been able to increase our knowledge and power  immensely. At the same time, there are so many things in  the world over which we have no control whatsoever. We cannot  decide when, where and under what circumstances we will be  born. We have no freedom in deciding who our parents and  family should be, or what talents we should possess. Death  is not under our control either. Therefore, instead of  crowing over our limited abilities, we should remember  our numberless limitations and weaknesses. We  should  learn to bow our heads down humbly before the universal  power. We should love life, have compassion to our fellow  beings, and be compassionate towards nature and the  creatures who inhabit the natural world. We should do our  duty unfailingly. This is what true spirituality teaches.