
Rachna Vinod
Amalgamation of scientists had culminated on a very successful note for Soma because she was unanimously elected chairperson of this distinguished body of the renowned scientists from all over the world. Just in her early thirties, she was the youngest scientist so far to attain this prestigious position. Hers was a respected name among the scientists of the world. Her contribution in the field of science was acknowledged every time she came out with the latest research work. She was always happy and took pride in recognition of her research work. She also felt updated by interacting with fellow scientists about their research work and innovations. Now after the conference and after receiving felicitation from one and all, she was also heading for home where the news of her achievement had preceded her. Her family, friends, known and unknown well-wishers were looking forward to welcome and felicitate her. More she became famous, more she searched herself in her childhood. More she traveled abroad, more she came closer to her roots.
Soma was a very inquisitive child from the very beginning. She used to be very curious about any such thing, event or behaviour in her surroundings which she couldn’t understand. Recognising her as born querist, her family was happy to satisfy her curiosity and answer her various questions whenever they could. No body ever got irritated with her questions. With growing years, she nurtured her curiosity, developed skills for inquiry and research. She looked for answers from her teachers and books in the library. This inquisitiveness to learn more and more about her surroundings made her initially an ardent reader, then a researcher and finally a scientist and she started getting invitations to many prestigious conferences to interact with other researchers and scientists in native country and abroad. During her long travels, she developed this habit of remembering pleasant moments of her childhood to relax and ignore the time taken in covering the distance of reaching home. Home, such a small word but complete world in itself, full of love, affection, comprehension and congeniality!
There was a henhouse for rooster, cocks and hen in a corner of the house. Fearlessly they would wander all over the place crowing now and then. Their crowing was not necessarily related to announce dawn or day break. Roosters have this natural trait to protect their hens. Crowing serves the purpose of alerting the hens to seek cover from a predator and alerting the predator that a rooster is guarding his flock. Predators in the night, or even just perceived predators in the night, will cause a rooster to crow. Soma loved to watch them and sometimes brought eggs also from the henhouse. Inspite of her mother stopping her to go there, she would go and keep sitting there for hours together, mesmerized by small chicks. With childlike curiosity she would often ask her mother from where these chicks, hens and cocks came. Very patiently her mother would explain that those chicks came out of eggs and eventually those would become cocks and hen. Again hen would lay eggs and the process goes on. Sometimes she would watch the chicks really coming out of eggs. Her eyes widened with astonishment, she would run and happily cling to her mother repeating the same question from where the eggs came! Her mother never tired of satisfying her curiosity, would give her the same answer that hens laid the eggs. Entangled in such childlike questions and playing with chicks, hens and cocks, her childhood passed. This inquisitiveness started in her childhood developed her interest in studying the facts of life and do extensive research work. Debates and dissertation in search of truth made her study scientific logics and soon she found her place among successful scientists. Inspite of her remarkable achievement in the field of science, she couldn’t find any logics about hatching of eggs…how the eggs were formed…who existed first…hen or egg!
As a scientist too, Soma kept on moving along wheel-of-life while pursuing her study to know about the start at the end and end in the beginning. Undoubtedly one cannot help appreciating the human mind which invented and developed wheel which further led to remarkable advancement in technology from time to time. Wheel is a circle and numeral zero is also round like a circle. The invention of zero immensely simplified computations, encouraging mathematicians to develop vital mathematical disciplines eventually forming the basis for computers. One cannot live in past but one can certainly learn from past to make present pleasant for further better improved future. The Wheel-of-life, as a philosophical concept, means that we start at the end and end in the beginning. Our lives, from beginning to end resemble a complete full wheel. No matter how big or small the wheel is, it ends in the exact same way as it starts, for everyone. Same is true with living organisms whether human beings, animals, birds or plants who come into existence, take birth, growup, evolve, then culminate and the wheel keeps going round and round.
Inspite of extensive research, discoveries and inventions in the field of science comprising study of physical world and laws of nature, Soma could never solve the complexity of eggs and chicks in her henhouse which she always considered an inspiration to take her tiny steps towards her quest to know about the beginning of life. She wanted to remain focused on her research rather getting deviated and confused. The mystery of this enigmatic truth could neither be known nor be falsified. The best way to come out of this enigmatic circle for the time being, she found, was to accept the omnipresent power of Divinity which controls the beginning and the end of the world! The mystery of nature which cannot be solved was better left to the law of nature to take care and get-to-the-bottom-of and untangle.