Who cares for suffering masses

This refers to the news item “Work speaks louder, people will judge by actions: Omar” DE July 20. Politicians instead of feeling the agony and anguish of the suffering masses keep on counting the green patches they create in the forests of thorny loushes and drying trees. They develop a culture of getting moon to one and all inspite of the fact that millions of people around them have to encounter innumerable difficulties almost everyday just to survive as sub-humans. Most of the politicians do not miss even the slightest chance to convey to the people. Through various means, that it is because of them that we are counted as a superpower in the world in terms of advancement and prosperity.
Does it not appear a cruel joke and humiliation of the helpless commoners of this southern part of the State who even after more than six decades of self governance can not even think of having sufficient drinking water, the luxury of enjoying even 12 hours of electfic supply in this sweltering heat as also some human rights in our highly compartmentalised society governed more by emotions and other factors than the laws providing the safe guards ? In a real democracy all the human beings irrespective of their political, social and religious stature, by keeping aside their privileges, should some time join the suffering masses as commoners so that they also could see the wounds of this bleeding democracy of which we are excessively proud of.
Yours etc….
S K Rekhi
825 A Gandhi Nagar