Who the hell is Geelani: Mirwaiz

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Apr 19: Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M), Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, today targeted hardline Hurriyat  (G) Conference chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, saying he is trying to create vicious environment in Kashmir to mislead the people.
Mirwaiz was reacting to Geelani’s remarks that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Prime Ministerial candidate, Narendra  Modi’s emissaries are in league with the separatist leadership.
The moderate Hurriyat leader while addressing a press conference made a frontal attack on Geelani saying: “We are not in league with Indian establishment. Who the hell is Geelani to accuse people of sell out who have inherited legacy of Kashmir movement by nourishing it with their blood? The struggle for Kashmir’s freedom is a people’s movement and nobody is its Godfather. He (Geelani) has participated in elections under Indian constitution 12 times. He has no copy right over Kashmir.”
Angry Mirwaiz said that the allegations of Geelani are fabricated and it is a deliberate attempt to mislead the people of the State. “We have always talked publicly. Our stance remains same”, he said.
The separatist leader said that Geelani wants to create vicious environment and create confusion among the masses. He said that Geelani who was an MLA and took oath under Indian Constitution should look ‘inwards’ before mudslinging on others.
“It is not his first statement where he has tried to prove himself right and others wrong but he has been doing this since long,” Mirwaiz said, adding, “such actions of Geelani has been very detrimental to people and movement alike and asked now whom does Geelani wants to see dead?”
The moderate separatist leader said that his family has a long history of sacrifice for Kashmir. “My father was killed, and relatives of my amalgam leaders too were targeted and killed. Now who is Geelani’s next target?”, he asked.
Mirwaiz lashed out at what he said holier than thou behaviour of Geelani. “He always tried to prove himself right and others wrong. Who is compromising on what? We have been doing all in open whether we talked to Pakistan or India,” he asked.
“Either UN resolutions have to be implemented or tripartite talks are the resolution where India, Pakistan and leadership of Kashmir has to take part”, said the Hurriyat Chairman. “How can anyone under the carpet resolve Kashmir issue? The deal has to be made public,” he added.
Mirwaiz said that his amalgam did not meet any emissary of Modi. “No one is in league with any agency or emissary,” he said. “Geelani is making irresponsible statements. If he wants to carry with this behaviour, then we have many things that we can put before public,” he said, adding:”Geelani tries to push us to wall.”
“How shall we help Modi as we are not in election fray, but yes answering a question of a journalist I had said that yes NDA had taken some initiatives on Kashmir but that doesn’t mean that we support Modi or BJP,” said Mirwaiz.
The separatist leader said that Hurriyat Conference (M) is in the process of finding solution to Kashmir issue. “There will be occasions in future where we will have to meet leadership of Pakistan and leadership of India. So why this mindset that if we meet any one, it is construed as sell out,” he asked.
“We feel that such statements vitiate atmosphere and even facilitate those elements who are seeking to eliminate people physically and target them,” said Mirwaiz.
The separatist leader also targeted some columnists saying: “We know the coterie of columnists who have been trying to prove Geelani right and others wrong. We also know the idea behind such thing”, he said.
Earlier in the day, an emergency meeting of executive council of Hurriyat (M) was held in which press conference of Geelani was discussed.
Hurriyat  (G) chief spokesman Ayaz Akbar terms Mirwaiz’s reaction uncalled for and unwanted. He said that it has not named any leader meeting BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s emissaries. He condemned the statement of Mirwaiz in which he accused Geelani of preparing ground for the killing of the leaders in Kashmir. “We can have difference of ideologies but we don’t believe in harming anyone nor we use the language that Mirwaiz is using,” he added.