Whosoever done wrong will face consequences: Minister

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Mar 7: While the opposition PDP and National Panthers Party members demanded probe into the allegations of alleged scam in the purchases of coupling PHE pipes worth crores in the PHE Department in last three years, the Minister concerned Sham Lal Sharma today claimed on the floor of the Upper House that an inquiry in this regard has already been initiated and whosoever has done wrong will have to face the music.
The issue was raised in the Legislative Council by the NPP member Sayed Rafiq Shah during Question Hour. He alleged that PHE pipes of sub-standard quality worth rupees hundreds of crores were purchased by the department in last three years without following codal formalities and quantity of pipes was also higher in number. Moreover, huge quantity was lying unused in the stores. The purpose was just to provide benefit to the two favourite firms. Even the Public Accounts Committee has also pointed out the irregularities conducted in the case. Mr Shah alleged that reply given by the Minister in the House was not true and he should hold hand on his heart and speak truth to the House telling that reply provided by his ‘Babus’ was not up to the mark. He demanded that House Committee be constituted for conducting inquiry into the matter.
PDP member Murtaza Ahmed Khan said since huge public money is involved in the case, whether Government would hold an inquiry and do justice with the people. Another PDP member Mohd Ashraf Mir also demanded probe into the matter.
After the members pressed for the straight forward and proper reply, the Minister admitted that during last few weeks after taking over this department, he found that purchases system in the PHE, I&FC Department was not proper. He found that it was going on like so since 1992 onwards. There was no proper purchase committee existing there as in Health and Medical Education Department. He claimed that he has tried to set the mechanism right in the department. He said in this department, purchases worth over Rs 200 to Rs 250 crore are done every year.
Referring to this particular case, the Minister assured the members that an inquiry in this regard has already been initiated by the Government. “I will also examine the Public Accounts Committee Report. If anybody has done wrong, he has to face the consequences,” the Minister maintained.
Earlier, replying to the main question, the Minister said that his department purchased 58293 meter length of pipes of different diameter from 2009 to 2012 and the purchases were made on the basis of proper requisition mode by the territorial divisions and endorsed by the concerned SEs. The purchase pipes stand lifted by the end users. He claimed that the purchase was made on DGS&D approved rates from M/s Nidhi Pipes Ltd, Chandigarh and M/s Bhawani Industries Ltd, Gobindgarh.