Why delay in prosecuting the corrupt officers ?

For a better governance and a transparent system, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) was conceived to be set up as a helping and monitoring autonomous body that could take into account the measures and steps to prevent all types of corruption especially in establishments and agencies run by the Government . It is nothing less than a sovereign body immune from any type of control from the authorities hence wielding tremendous powers as corruption is not only a scourge in the society but is encouraging violation of rules, regulations and set procedures besides promoting inefficiency and failures of various schemes of development. It is, therefore, incumbent upon the concerned authorities to respond not only positively but promptly to any such proposal from it which was aimed at bringing to justice, those who acted with dubious credentials and took decisions for considerations that satisfied their personal greed, thus misusing the official positions and the powers designated to them.
It is, therefore, beyond comprehension as to why the CVC should be kept ‘waiting’ for receiving sanctions from concerned different organisations to prosecute as many as 123 Government employees including 45 from Banks involved in various corruption cases . The officials in the net include some IAS Officers and those working in central investigating premier agencies like the CBI, ED and the Income Tax Department. This avoidable wait has been going on for over four months, may be because of the hustle, bustle and dust of the general elections though bar of the moral code of conduct should not give any reprieve to go ahead with prosecution process which has got to be preceded by according sanction by different involved organisations.
The seriousness and the legitimacy of empowering the CVC in containing corruption can be gauged by the limit of four months prescribed for according such sanctions hence the need to proceed further cannot be underestimated or compromised with in any manner. It is really a matter of concern that some officials posted at Department of Personnel and Trainings who are otherwise supposed to monitor, regulate and scrutinize assets and liabilities statements mandatorily submitted by the officials from their departments and to keep under watchful radar system such officials who were suspected of breaching integrity levels, were themselves to be prosecuted. The same also is true of some officials from the Police, Banking Institutions, CBI, ED and the Income Tax which does speak of morality graph plummeting in hitherto unsuspecting or otherwise less polluted organisations. How could states like Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu remain aloof in such prospective prosecutions as some officials from these states are also involved.
Needless to add, on the other hand, within a few days of swearing in of the new Government, steps to clean up the system of such officials has started as a dozen high ranking officers from the Income Tax Department have been compulsorily retired who were facing corruption charges and amassing assets disproportionate to known sources of income. These are of no small ranks but Commissioners, Additional Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners, thus the NDA Government has sent right signals that it wanted to cleanse the system of the undesirable and corrupt officials all in the ‘public interest’. More of such actions were in the offing as there are many having dubious records and acts of omission and commission and may have to be shown the door.
With this determination to attempt to cleanse the system of the rot, there should be no further delay in according sanction for prosecuting the already identified and ‘indented’ corrupt officials the ,list of which , the CVC has already submitted to various departments. Four months over is more than genuine , hence demanding no ‘grace days’.