Why not clearing NEET 2017, is not a big deal?

All you NEET aspirant must be worried about the concordant issue. In case you don’t qualify your NEET UG exam then what’s next? Whenyou have been studying since years, bursting out your nights, skipping meals, ignoring social media, friends and family just to get through the MBBS/BDS common NEET UG exam.
But you don’t have to lose on your hopes just yet if one door is closed it’s not the End. This is the time for you to explore new things going around this world. Or maybe, you can say it was never right for you. So here we’re going to tell you and guide you through the alternatives, now SMILE first and get those lines off from your forehead!!
You know what the problem is our parents, society and relatives want us to be the fish of a pot. People need to get aware, enhance their knowledge and know this world. Because, due to their stubbornness over career aspects and lack of knowledge about streams, children gets mentally too stressed and end up not standing upto the mark. We, our youth need to make this nation aware of ongoing events, developments and new revolutions initiated by government of India. Soil testing has been improvised by govt. of India as this leads to increased demand in HORTICULTURE AND AGRICULTRE. GM CROPS (genetically modified crops) are newly launched scheme by govt. of India. So many testing labs has been unbolted. For medicines also, as per the govt. rule now more testing labs will be launching soon so that they can take care of the various aspects and researches they’ve been neglecting since long.
So we have been searching down and working on this, if we can be of any help to you guys in your bad time then why not.We have enlisted few UG options that you can go for:
AIIMS: You can try for this holding your hopes tight, confidence and your self-esteem even higher for the AIIMS exams because the level of this exam is even more adultery than that of NEET UG. But then you have an advantage also, because the crowd is already filtered after NEET. So if you think you did not qualify your exam because of your bad luck and you hold that potential, you shouldn’t give a second thoughtand get your all focus pin pointing on this exam.
Next, is JIPMER (Jawahar lal institute of Postgraduate Medical Institute): You can try on for this exam aswell, but a lot of patience and hardwork will be required to get through this entrance exam.
So these were the options that you may or may not be aware about, but a lot more of willingness, determination and patience will be needed for these.
But, if you can’t think of these alternatives still there’s no need to worry, because scope is far more diversified than you can actually think off. We people without even knowing this world, upcoming events and inventions in our nation, decide on our own on the basis of assumptions. Becoming doctor is the only respectable qualification you can think of. Our nation is being thrived into a lot of many researches and inventions, which ultimately affects the career scope in a good way. Likewise, we are going to tell you fields and streams that you seriously need to think of. After all we all human beings are born with diversed qualities. Not all of you can become a best doctor or an outrageous dentist, may be you were always meant to serve something different and new and have the ability to go beyond boundaries.
*Bsc- Microbiology, biochemistry
*Veterinary and Animal Science
*B.Tech  (Agriculture Engg.)
*B.Tech (Food Engg. & Tech)
*B.Tech (Dairy Technology)
*B.Tech (Food Science & Technology)
*B.Sc.(Hons) Forestry
*Horticulture and Agriculture
*Fisheries and ocean studies
*Homeopathic and AyurvedicStudies (there are few colleges which still offers these 2 without  qualifying NEET)
Guys!! there is this Kerala University KEAM(Kerala Engineering, Architecture and Medical Courses) , which is offering a wide range of courses. Except of MBBS and BDS you can apply for any course. And there are many more government and private universities and colleges which offers the above mentioned courses.
In this hover of seeking UG courses, there might be many students who still wants to go for MBBS/BDS. Then, probable they need to try ABROAD to pursue their medical studies. All of you cannot make through it, living in a nation where we lead in the majority of middle class family. So, if you are planning to go abroad then first financially you and your parents have to make up your mind.
For more information on exams, Click on http://exams collegedunia.com/ source: collegedunia.com