Why two Chief Ministers

Refer article titled “why two Chief Ministers for J&K” written by Prof. ML Pandit of 12 Apr 19.
I do appreciate the concern of the writer who has very amply qualified the unique character of our state and also tried to dwell on political options both local and national. It is however felt that the most charged atmosphere prevailing now in the state does not warrant any such experiment as it encourages the wide split between the Valley and Jammu province. We might refrain from highlighting divisions as solution to the present situation that may further weaken our claim at national level as a state. We therefore should learn to respect our inherent diversity of cultures and remain more unified to fight the evil design of our enemies. The resentment of Jammu region so felt by the author has its solution in gaining equal participation in the governance and not by division of power. Let us talk about unified Jammu and Kashmir and not a fragmented one which further divides us culturally, socially and geographically.
Mahesh Chander Sudan
Sainik Colony Jammu