Winsupply Inc to increase GDCstrength in next two years

Hydderabad, Aug 22:US-based Winsupply Inc, which has started its new Global Development Centre (GDC) in Hyderabad, on Monday announced it has plans to increase its strength to over 100 IT engineers in the next two years during the first phase.

This was announced by Christopher Schrameck, Senior Vice President of Information Technology, Winsupply Inc, during the meeting with Jayesh Ranjan, IT Principal Secretary, Government of Telangana, and Amarnath Reddy Atmakuri, CRO, IT Department to discuss the future ambitions of Winsupply’s GDC in Hyderabad.

The Winsupply team was provided a tour of T-Hub and T-Works, Government of Telangana’s Innovation Centre for the startups and budding entrepreneurs.

Winsupply’s core philosophy has been to help entrepreneurs become business owners for over 67 years.

It was truly exciting to see the programs and facilities created to help mentor and foster new entrepreneurs.

The tour had marked an impressive note for the Winsupply team.
Later, Christopher Schrameck met Shrikant, CEO, TASK, Department of ITE&C and was briefed on Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge.

He was impressed with the Academy’s focus on preparing students with skills that will serve many of the top global companies now operating in Hyderabad.

Winsupply, a leading company in wholesale distribution for residential and commercial construction, owns a majority equity stake in more than 650 companies across the United States.
In 2022, the Winsupply’s forecast revenue should exceed $7 billion dollars, and has been growing annually at a rate of more than 20 percent for the past two years.

Winsupply’s aggressive hiring goals to start their operation will be achieved through a partnership with Smartdata DBA S.D.S IT Solutions Private Limited, Hyderabad.

Both companies have roots in Dayton, Ohio, USA and are excited to continue their partnership with their global operations in Hyderabad.
Ranjan said that Hyderabad ability to attract multinational companies is a testimony to the Government of Telangana.

The Telangana government provides excellent infrastructure, and an abundance of skilled talent, in the state.

We thank Winsupply, for having faith in us. We are sure that the Hyderabad GDC will exceed all its growth estimates and becomes a key driver for growth globally, he added. (UNI)