Woes of RET female teachers

We the female regularised RET/Third teachers of school Education Department of J&K State would like to plead the Government especially our Chief minister Omar Abdullah,  Dy. CM and Minister for School Education and Directors of both provinces to kindly work out a way to relax and modify transfer policy in respect of female married RET teachers outside their districts, and towns. Because of  being far away  from in-laws homes, they face several hardship on account of  socio-religious obligations and customs. As a result, our wards and elderly in – laws, spouses suffer immensely because of us as we are not able to live a socially and psychologically normal and sound family life. Hoping for an earnest resolution of our just, genuine and humane problems and concerns.
Yours etc…
Umatul Simi
District Baramulla
(on behalf of RET teachers of J&K)