Women empowerment

Women in India account for about 48 percent of our total population. It is seen that in almost all the human societies of the world women have suffered discrimination on the basis of gender. Almost for the last decade one or so they are the focus of all development. They are very important in the context of India’s development planning and human development agenda.
The word empowerment means to give the power to do some thing. Women empowerment, in the present scenario, refers to actively empowering women and giving them confidence in themselves. No sustainable human development is possible without involving  women. They need to be empowered so as to become a strong force in the developmental process of the country. The need of the gender empowerment arises because of the existing gender inequality in economic and political  opportunities.
It is observed women, one the whole, do not play any significant role in decision making process. Gender inequality varies from race to race, community to community and region to region within India. We find gender inequality and women’s poor presence in the Indian parliament in the State legislatures and in other civic bodies of the country. They do not also figure prominently among the top senior officials administrators managers and professional and technical workers. The men’s shore in gainful employment in various sectors of the economy i.e Industry, trade and services etc. has increased in India. Even today they do not hold 30 percent seats in the Central and the State legislatures though they deserve half of them. 33 percent reservation for women in all the legislatures of  India is agreed or accepted in principle but they have to wait to realise this dream indefinitely.
Central Govt and State Govts as well have taken several measures towards women  empowerment and development. There is no doubt that  the Indian economy has shown fast growth, but our economic gains have been neutralised by the rapid growth in our population. Growth of India’s literacy rate shows some positive figures. As compared to says, the enrolment and literacy rate of girls have appreciably increased with the growth of our National literacy rate. But the human development improvement levels of the developed nations are still not within our reach.
Yours etc….
S N Raina