Women empowerment

Rashim Deepika
The Principal of Gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its preamble, fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The constitution not only grants equality to women, but also empower the state to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women.
It is amazing that from an early age, women start to learn about some of the finest human qualities like comparison, self awareness, sacrifice, service devotion by observing their own mothers, grandmothers and other women in their lives.
The four pillars of business which are dedication, consistency, hard work and honesty are also attributes of women… For many centuries, the role of women was to be the nurturing institution for her children, to be the solid foundation for her spouse, and to be the soldier fighting against the world’s suffering. Then come the times when and intelligent and willing to works, however due to various reasons are unable to do it today.
The reasons could be varied for various women, some women could be deprived of these opportunities because their men don’t want them to work, the others may be restricted  due to family pressures or peer pressures.
Gender disparity manifests itself in various forms, the most obvious being the trend of continuously declining female ratio in the population in the last few decades. Social Stereotyping and violence at the domestic and societal levels are some of the other manifestations. Discrimination against girl children, adolescent girls and women persists in parts of the country.
Most of the disadvantaged women work as domestic workers, agricultural labours,sweepers and cleaners in school,hospital,shops and establishment. They do not have permanent, dignified, sustainable livelihoods. They works at the mercy of land lords  and owners of shops and establishment. They have uncertain and seasonal wage employment in agriculture fields. Unfortunately agriculture has become gambling due to draught conditions and many other natural reasons. Due to lack of skills and regular income generation activities, they are below the poverty line.
Certain ongoing projects needs to be more strengthened
Sponsor  Vocational skill Development Progarmme
Donate money for Zari Work Training for Rural Women.
Sponsor Livelihood for Economic Empowerment of Women.
Support Livelihood for Indian Tribal Women.
Sponsorship of Goat & Sheep Unit for sustainable livelihood among tribal women.
Strengthening of local craft.
The ceaseless cycle of labor rarely shows up in economic analyses of a society’s production and value.
·           Women earn only 10% of the world’s income where women work for money, they may be limited to a set of jobs deemed suitable for women-invariably low pay, low-status positions.
·           Women own less than 1% of the world’s property. Where laws or customs prevent women from owning land and other productive assists, from getting loans or credit, or from having the right to inheritance or to own their home women got to the space of equality in the work place, achieving their own dreams, and becoming equal financial contributors within their households.
·           Women work two third of the world’s working hours, according to the united nations
·            The overwhelming majority of the labor that sustains life growing food, cooking, raising children, caring for the elderly, maintaining a house hauling water is done by women, and universally this work is accorded low status and no pay
Each women has own story some of loved ones murdered, and others of physical and emotional trauma. Most have endured a struggle for survival.
Equipped with job skills training and basic business education along with an awareness of their rights, inspiring women go on to become leaders in their communities, other women to follow in their steps.
·        Women sustain an income and income Assets Management.
Women are well, Awareness, protection, and prevention.
Women are decision makers. Family and community decision making.
Women have social networks and safety nets. Solidarity for support and protection.
When these four key outcomes are met, women experience lasting change and are positioned to be active citizens. Active citizenship is when a woman engages socially, civically and economically for the betterment of her family and community .As active citizens, women can because leaders of community change that lead to peaceful and stable socities.
Programme need to be organized into three stages as women increases their access to resource and knowledge .
*Creating Awareness Improving Women’s access to knowledge about their value and the importance of women’s rights and social roles.
*Promotion Behavior change:-  Encouraging a women’s willingness to actively make decisions in her family and community, apply knowledge to maintain physical and psychological wellness, to form or join women’s and community groups and take advantage of economic opportunities.
Enabling action providing opportunities to develop personal and group plans for action to allow women to become active citizens individually and in a solidarity  with other women. In addition women are provided with support and access to essential services such as microcredit loans, legal assistance, cooperative and employment opportunities and social network
Women face many social challenges today  incense in order to secure an income for her family ,to raising children amidst the harsh economic crisis. A women is dynamic in many roles she plays.  Many of women has raised their voices to ban alcohol and drugs e.g. in village of Warwarhere in Mahrashtra.
Unless drastic measures are taken to improve female literacy, create skills and capabilities among women for enabling them to stand on their own feet and care for themselves and family, it will be difficult for India to prosper as a nation.
The Art of living empowers women to face the challenges by providing tools and techniques that help to eliminate individual stress. A sense of community spirit is created that allows to face these similar challenges as a team rather than individually .The Art of living encourages women to find practical solutions to their challenges so that each are becomes self-dependent in their own right.
An empowered women can change a lot in the society. Money as an energy is one of the most powerful empowerment tools. Practical steps need to be create income for women, who are capable
Within frame work of a democratic polity, our laws, development policies plans and programme have aimed at women’s advanced in different spheres
Well  its time to let go of all go of all pressures and work towards becoming empowered with regular income coming in our way.
Women Empowerment is an initiative to take practical steps to make women of India financially independent through various initiatives. Financial Independence is one of the most powerful ways for women empowerment.
(The author is Chief Accounts Officer, PW (R&B) Department Jammu)