Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Apr 20: Kashmiri women outnumber men in donating the kidneys to their wards while as men outnumber women as recipients.
The data of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Soura Srinagar regarding kidney transplant reveals that in 60 per cent cases females have donated their kidneys.
In 89 cases mothers have donated their kidneys and in 50 cases wives have donated kidneys and in 39 cases fathers have been donors.
The data further reveals that in 24 per cent cases females have been recipients, whereas, in 75 per cent cases men have been recipients.
The average age of donors is 45.8 years, with youngest donor being 18 years-old and the oldest recipient 60, while as the youngest recipient has been 12 years-old.
Dr Saleem Wani, Professor and Head Urology, SKIMS told Excelsior said that due to the limited donor pool available the females of the family have to donate their kidneys through altruistic kidney donation.
“Given the set-up we live in, a male has got the responsibility to take care of the family and ultimately the axe falls on the females,” Dr Wani said.
“There is a huge gap between the availability and the demand for organ transplantation. The future of solid organ transplantation is the cadaver transplantation and the public needs to be made aware of the concept of brain dead,” said Dr Wani.