Won’t allow BJP to turn J-K into theatre of war for electoral gains: Mehbooba

SRINAGAR: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday alleged that there were attempts to “intimidate” the people of Kashmir following the Pulwama terror strike, and said her party will not allow the BJP to turn Jammu and Kashmir into a “theatre of war for electoral gains”.

At a meeting of PDP’s top leadership here to discuss the prevailing political situation in Jammu and Kashmir, she also said banning Jamat-e-Islami (JeI) was “undemocratic, unconstitutional and an attempt to hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims” all across.

“Repressive measures and iron fist approach are being rigorously implemented with common masses threatened, intimated and harassed by the Government at large. The PDP will remain in the forefront to oppose any such move. The policies being adopted by the central leadership towards the State are turning the already crisis-ridden region into a veritable inferno,” Mufti said. (AGENCIES)