Won’t disturb peace in case of adverse SC verdict on Art 370: Omar

NC vice president Omar Abdullah addressing a gathering at Rafiabad on Sunday.
NC vice president Omar Abdullah addressing a gathering at Rafiabad on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Dec 10: National Conference (NC) vice president Omar Abdullah today said that his party will not disturb the peace in Jammu and Kashmir even in case of an adverse Supreme Court verdict on Article 370.
Abdullah said at a party convention at Rafiabad in Baramulla district that his party will continue with its fight for the restoration of the rights of the people of through peaceful means as laid down in the Constitution.
“The Supreme Court has to give its verdict, let it. If we had to disturb the situation, we would have done it after 2019. However, we said it then and we reiterate it now that our fight will be peaceful and in accordance with the Constitution, taking help of the law for protecting our rights and preserving our identity,” Abdullah said.
“What is wrong in it? Don’t we have a right to say this in a democracy? Can’t we raise objections in a democracy? If others can talk, why not us?” he asked.
Abdullah said NC leaders are being summoned to police stations since Saturday night and intimidated. Click here to watch video
“The Supreme Court has not passed a verdict yet. How do you know what is the verdict? May be it is in our favour. Then what is the need to call my party colleagues to police stations? They are being called to police stations since Saturday night and threatened. They are being told that they should not write this or that on social media. Are these threats only for the NC? Tell me whether you have called a BJP leader (to a police station). Allah willing, if the verdict goes against them (Bharatiya Janata Party), what will you do if they start writing against it on Facebook?” Abdullah asked.
The NC leader said there is no justification for putting curbs on NC leaders as they have always been votaries for peace. “We never asked youngsters to hurl stones…. In fact, (NC president) Farooq Abdullah told people that he was willing to step down as the chief minister if they did not like him but not to bring guns here,” he said.
He also said police should trust the people of the region as no one wants to disturb the peace in Jammu and Kashmir.
Later, talking to reporters, Abdullah said the NC had approached the apex court against the abrogation of the provisions of Article 370 with the hope of getting justice.
“We had knocked on the doors of the Supreme Court with the hope of getting justice and that sentiment persists even today,” he said.