Wool Board Workers, Horticulture Officers’ plea to Ministers

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 1: J&K Wool Board Employees Workers Association Kartholi Jammu have made an appeal to Minister of Animal and Sheep Husbandry, Nazir Ahmed Gurezi and M A Bukhari Secretary of Government Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department urging them to consider the long pending demand of the wool workers regarding implementation of service conditions. They said the demand is pending since the inception of the Board and by settling the same the employees will be relieved of the mental agony.
The Association however complimented the Minister and Secretary for releasing the long pending DA to the employees.
Meanwhile Horticulture Officers Welfare Forum has appealed the Minister of  Horticulture, Housing and Culture Raman Bhalla to issue promotion orders of Chief Horticulture Officers and other district level posts in time so that the functioning of the department may not suffer any more due to vacant posts in different districts.
They, while expressing their pleasure over promoting senior most officer of the department Anil Kumar Sharma as Director Horticulture expressed the hope that Mr Bhalla will also issue orders for promotion of Chief Horticulture Officers and other district level officers.